| [cởi] |
|  | to doff; to take off; to remove |
|  | Cởi mũ / áo mưa ra |
| To doff one's hat/raincoat; to take one's hat/raincoat off |
|  | Giày này có dễ cởi không? |
| Are these shoes easy to take off? |
|  | Cởi hết quần áo ai ra |
| To strip somebody naked; to strip somebody to the buff/skin |
|  | Bảo nó cởi hết quần áo ra! |
| Tell him to take all his clothes off; Tell him to strip naked!; Tell him to strip to the buff! |
|  | Cởi quần áo đứa bé |
| To take a baby's clothes off; To undress a baby |