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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

I - noun
a United States term for Blacks that is now considered offensive
colored person
Usage Domain:
archaism, archaicism
Black, Black person, blackamoor, Negro, Negroid

II - adjective
1. having color or a certain color;
sometimes used in combination (Freq. 13)
- colored crepe paper
- the film was in color
- amber-colored heads of grain
coloured, colorful
Similar to:
crimson, red, reddened, red-faced, flushed,
bay, bicolor, bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, bichrome,
dichromatic, black, blackened, blue-flowered, brightly-colored, brightly-coloured,
buff-colored, buff-coloured, chestnut-colored, chestnut-coloured, chocolate-colored, chocolate-coloured,
cinnamon colored, cinnamon coloured, cinnamon-colored, cinnamon-coloured, cinnamon-red, cream-colored,
creamy-colored, creamy-white, dark-colored, dark-coloured, dusky-colored, dusky-coloured,
dun-colored, dun-coloured, fawn-colored, fawn-coloured, flame-colored, flame-coloured,
flesh-colored, flesh-coloured, garnet-colored, garnet-coloured, ginger, gingery,
gold-colored, gold-coloured, honey-colored, honey-coloured, indigo, lead-colored,
lead-coloured, liver-colored, liver, metal-colored, metal-coloured, metallic-colored,
metallic-coloured, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, monochromous, motley,
calico, multicolor, multi-color, multicolour, multi-colour, multicolored,
multi-colored, multicoloured, multi-coloured, painted, particolored, particoloured,
piebald, pied, varicolored, varicoloured, neutral-colored, neutral-coloured,
olive-colored, olive-coloured, orange-colored, orange-coloured, orange-hued, orange-flowered,
pale-colored, pale-hued, pastel-colored, peach-colored, polychromatic, polychrome,
polychromic, purple-flowered, red-flowered, roan, rose-colored, rosy-colored,
rust-colored, silver-colored, straw-colored, straw-coloured, tawny-colored, tawny-coloured,
tawny-coloured, trichrome, tricolor, violet-colored, violet-coloured,
violet-flowered, violet-purple
color, colour, coloring, colouring
2. having skin rich in melanin pigments (Freq. 12)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- dark-skinned peoples
coloured, dark, dark-skinned, non-white
Similar to:
Derivationally related forms:
darkness (for: dark)
3. (used of color) artificially produced;
not natural
- a bleached blonde
bleached, coloured, dyed
Similar to:
artificial, unreal
4. favoring one person or side over another
- a biased account of the trial
- a decision that was partial to the defendant
biased, coloured, one-sided, slanted
Similar to:

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