Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also HABIT - a roll of tobacco in a thin tube of white paper that people smoke: cigarette - a roll of tobacco leaves that people smoke: cigar - a tube with a small bowl on the end for smoking tobacco: pipe to smoke a pipe ◎ a pipe smoker (= a person who smokes a pipe) - a box of usually ten or twenty cigarettes: packet (AmE pack) (of cigarettes) - the substance made from the dried leaves of the tobacco plant that fills cigarettes, etc: tobacco (noun U) tobacco smoke ◎ the smell of tobacco - the drug that is contained in tobacco: nicotine (noun U) ※ the habit of smoking - to have the habit of smoking cigarettes, etc: smoke; noun (U): smoking I don't smoke. ◎ Smoking can seriously damage your health. - a person who smokes: smoker; a person who smokes a little/a lot: light/heavy smoker ※ smoking a cigarette - to smoke a cigarette, etc: have a cigarette, smoke (sth); noun: smoke How many cigarettes do you smoke a day? ◎ If you want to smoke please do so only in the permitted smoking areas. ◎ I'm going to pop outside for a quick smoke. - to make a cigarette, etc begin to burn: light* sth He sat down and lit a cigar. - a short piece of wood that can be used to produce a flame: match to strike a match ◎ a box of matches ◎ a matchbox - an object that produces a small flame for lighting cigarettes: (cigarette) lighter - something that can be used to light a cigarette: a light Have you got a light? - to stop a cigarette burning: put* sth out Please put out your cigarette before you enter the building. - to put a cigarette out by pressing the end against a hard surface: stub sth out to stub out a cigarette in an ashtray - the part of a cigarette that is left, after it has been smoked: (cigarette) end - the grey powder that is left after a cigarette has burned: (cigarette) ash (noun U) - a small dish for cigarette ash: ashtray ※ not smoking - a place where it is forbidden to smoke is non-smoking This is a non-smoking bar. ◎ a non-smoking carriage on a train - to stop smoking permanently: give* (sth) up, stop, (AmE) quit I gave up smoking ten years ago. - to decide to smoke fewer cigarettes regularly: cut* down (on sth) Please don't offer me a cigarette - I've been trying to cut down. - a person who does not smoke: non-smoker Wanted: flatmate, non-smoker preferred.
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