1 marks on a surface 2 people and things in lines
1 marks on a surface - a long thin mark on the surface of sth: line to draw a line ◎ a dotted line - something which is marked with lines is lined lined paper ◎ His face was heavily lined. - a straight piece of wood or plastic used for measuring or drawing straight lines: ruler - to draw a line under a word: underline sth Underline the most important words. ※ drawing DRAW - a straight line Please sign on the dotted line. ※ things that are straight STRAIGHT ※ lines which go round something - the distance round the edge of a shape; the outside edge of sth, for example the boundary of a piece of land: perimeter the perimeter of a rectangle ◎ a perimeter fence - a line that shows the shape or outside edge of sth: outline She drew the outline of a horse and then coloured her picture in. ※ the distance round a circle CIRCLE ※ the position of lines - the space between two lines or surfaces that meet, measured in degrees: angle an angle of 45 degrees (45※° ) ◎ a right angle (= an angle of 90※°) ※ more on angles ANGLE
2 people and things in lines - a single row of writing on a page: line to start a new line ◎ a line of a poem - people waiting for sth, one behind the other: queue, (especially AmE) line a bus queue ◎ There was a long line of people waiting for the exhibition. - people or things arranged in a line: line, row children standing in a line ◎ a long line/row of houses ◎ a row of books/desks/seats - to stand in a row with other people: line up; to put things in a line: line sth up The children lined up behind their teacher. - when people move in a line, one behind the other, they walk in single file