Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

the branch of biology that studies plants
Derivationally related forms:
phytologist, botanic (for: botany), botanical (for: botany), botanist (for: botany), botanize (for: botany), botanise (for: botany)
Members of this Topic:
acroscopic, basiscopic, acropetal, basipetal, basifixed,
comate, comose, comal, carpellate, pistillate, acarpelous,
acarpellous, cauline, radical, basal, caulescent, stemmed,
acaulescent, stemless, outward-developing, inward-developing, chlamydeous, achlamydeous,
brachiate, cyclic, acyclic, annual, one-year, biennial,
two-year, perennial, determinate, cymose, indeterminate, racemose,
dextrorse, dextrorsal, sinistrorse, sinistrorsal, precocious, autogamous,
autogamic, endogamous, endogamic, exogamous, exogamic, fastigiate,
aerial, antheral, staminate, monoclinous, diclinous, capsulate,
capsulated, opposite, paired, alternate, ariled, arillate,
foliate, foliolate, aphyllous, scapose, bilabiate, two-lipped,
cancellate, cancellated, clathrate, terete, torulose, simple,
unsubdivided, compound, aggregate, double, single, bullate,
imbricate, imbricated, squamulose, rugose, smooth, rough,
convolute, convoluted, involute, rolled, bifid, pentamerous,
trifid, assurgent, ligneous, herbaceous, apogamic, apogametic,
apogamous, apomictic, apomictical, apothecial, archegonial, archegoniate,
archesporial, aroid, araceous, arthrosporic, arthrosporous, asclepiadaceous,
ascocarpous, ascosporic, ascosporous, autotrophic, autophytic, heterotrophic,
axile, axial, basidiomycetous, basidiosporous, bicapsular, calyceal,
calycine, calycinal, cambial, capsular, composite, homostylous,
homostylic, homostyled, panicled, self-pollinating, umbelliform, umbelliferous,
cruciferous, tomentose, epiphytic, lithophytic, myrmecophytic, bladed,
spicate, axillary, alar, paniculate, phyllodial, involucrate,
bryophytic, plant, flora, plant life, etiolation, dissilience,
estivation, aestivation, division, venation, vernation, scurf,
naturalist, natural scientist, Plantae, kingdom Plantae, plant kingdom, style,
germ tube, pollen tube, peristome, embryo, corolla, corona,
calyx, lip, papilla, pitcher, apophysis, callus,
blister, coma, phloem, bast, root, taproot,
spike, node, leaf node, lobe, ligule, apogamy,
cohesion, foliation, leafing, parthenocarpy, phytohormone, plant hormone,
growth regulator, phellem, cork, sporulate, invaginate
biology, biological science
mycology, pomology, paleobotany, palaeobotany, phycology,
algology, pteridology

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