see also BOOK, PUBLISH - to put words, pictures, etc onto paper by using a metal or wood surface covered with ink; to make books, newspapers, etc in this way: print sth Where did you get these leaflets printed? ◎ We'll print 1 000 copies. - a person or company that prints books, newspapers, etc: printer It's ready to send to the printer's now. - when a book, etc is printed, it goes* to press The information was correct at the time of going to press. - the process of making books, etc using print: printing (noun U) Printing has changed dramatically in the last ten years. - the written letters and words found in books, newspapers, etc: print (noun U) The print in this newspaper is so small I can hardly read it. - a particular style of print: font Why don't you try a different font? ◎ an italic font - the dark, heavy print used for giving some words more importance than others: bold (type) It's best if you put the title in bold. - the type of printing when the letters slope forwards: italics (noun plural) - a letter, number or sign used in printing: character count the number of characters and spaces in a line of print - a machine which is used to print things: printing machine, printing press ※ printing when you are using a computer COMPUTER