a cry of sorrow and grief (Freq. 2) - their pitiful laments could be heard throughout the ward • Syn: lament, lamentation, plaint • Derivationally related forms: lament (for: lamentation), lament (for: lament) • Hypernyms: complaint
1. emit long loud cries (Freq. 7) - wail in self-pity - howl with sorrow • Syn: howl, ululate, roar, yawl, yaup • Derivationally related forms: roar (for: roar), roaring (for: roar), wailer, wailing, ululation (for: ululate), howl (for: howl), howling (for: howl) • Hypernyms: shout, shout out, cry, call, yell, scream, holler, hollo, squall • Hyponyms: squall, waul, wawl • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - You can hear animals wail in the meadows - The meadows wail with animals 2. cry weakly or softly (Freq. 2) - she wailed with pain • Syn: whimper, mewl, pule • Derivationally related forms: whimper (for: whimper) • Hypernyms: cry, weep • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s