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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
first minister

ˌfirst ˈminister 7 [first minister] BrE NAmE (also First Minister) noun
the leader of the ruling political party in some regions or countries, for example in Scotland

There are First Ministers as leaders of the regional governments in the United Kingdom: the Northern Ireland Assembly, the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Assembly. The First Minister is chosen by the Parliament or Assembly, and is usually the leader of the party with the largest number of members. In Scotland and Northern Ireland, the First Minister selects an Executive, a group of ministers within the Parliament or Assembly that is responsible for deciding its policy and managing the work of its departments. The Welsh Assembly, which has less power, has no Executive, but the First Minister selects a group of Assembly Ministers to make up a cabinet. In Northern Ireland the First Minister works with a Deputy First Minister from an opposition party, so that the leaders of the main Unionist and Nationalist parties can work together as a team, representing both communities.

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