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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

Medi·care BrE [ˈmedɪkeə(r)] NAmE [ˈmedɪker] noun uncountable
1. (in the US) the federal insurance system that provides medical care for people over 65
2. (in Australia and Canada) the national medical care system for all people that is paid for by taxes (spelt ‘medicare’ in Canada)

Word Origin:
[Medicare] 1960s: from ↑medical + ↑care.

Medicare began in 1965 and is part of the ↑social security system. It pays part of the costs of hospitals and offers additional medical insurance to people who pay an amount each month. Medicare costs the government more than was originally expected and its future is the subject of much political debate.
Compare ↑Medicaid

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