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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th
Yellow Pages

ˌYellow ˈPages [Yellow Pages] BrE NAmE ™ (BrE) (NAmE ˌyellow ˈpages) noun plural
a book with yellow pages that gives a list of companies and organizations and their telephone numbers, arranged according to the type of services they offer
If you need a plumber look in the Yellow Pages.

There are different versions of the Yellow Pages for each area of the country. In Britain the company that publishes the Yellow Pages, Yell Limited, also provides business telephone numbers and addresses through its Yell website. In the US, the same company publishes the Yellow Book™, a popular type of Yellow Pages, and operates an Internet service by the same name. A well-known advertisement for the Yellow Pages uses the phrase ‘Let your fingers do the walking’

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