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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

bril·liant [brilliant brilliants] BrE [ˈbrɪliənt] NAmE [ˈbrɪliənt] adjective
1. extremely clever or impressive
What a brilliant idea!
a brilliant performance/invention
2. very successful
a brilliant career
The play was a brilliant success.
3. very intelligent or skilful
a brilliant young scientist
She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country.
4. (of light or colours)very bright
brilliant sunshine
brilliant blue eyes
5. (BrE, informal)very good; excellent
‘How was it?’ ‘Brilliant!’
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful).
Derived Words:brilliance brilliantly

Word Origin:
late 17th cent.: from French brillant ‘shining’, present participle of briller, from Italian brillare, probably from Latin beryllus from Greek bērullos.

brilliant adj.
a brilliant young scientist
intelligent • • bright • |especially AmE smart • |especially BrE clever
Opp: stupid
brilliant/clever at sth
a brilliant/bright/intelligent/smart/clever child/boy/girl/man/woman
brilliant/intelligent/smart/clever thing to do/move
2. (BrE, informal)
The show was brilliant!
excellent • • outstanding • • perfect • • first-rate • • classic • • superb • • tremendous • |informal great • • fantastic • • fabulous • • terrific • • cool • |especially AmE, informal awesome • |slang wicked
Opp: rubbish
a/an brilliant/excellent/outstanding/perfect/superb/great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/cool/awesome/wicked place
have a/an brilliant/excellent/great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/cool/awesome time
a/an brilliant/excellent/outstanding/superb/tremendous/great/fantastic/terrific/awesome achievement

brilliant • vivid • vibrant
These words all describe things that are shining or full of light or colours that are strong and easy to see.
bright • full of light; shining strongly; (of colours) strong and easy to see: a bright yellow dress
brilliant • very bright: The sky was a brilliant blue.
vivid • (approving) (of colours) bright and strong: His eyes were a vivid green.
vibrant • (approving) (of colours) bright and strong: The room was decorated in vibrant blues and greens.
vivid or vibrant?
These two words are very similar, but vivid emphasizes how bright a colour is, while vibrant suggests a more lively and exciting colour or combination of colours.
bright/brilliant/vivid/vibrant colours
bright/brilliant light/sunlight/sunshine/eyes

cool • fantastic • fabulous • terrific • brilliant • awesome
These are all informal words that describe sb/sth that is very good, pleasant, enjoyable, etc.
great • (informal) very good; giving a lot of pleasure: We had a great time in Madrid.
cool • (informal) used to show that you admire or approve of sth, often because it is fashionable, attractive or different: I think their new song's really cool.
fantastic • (informal) extremely good; giving a lot of pleasure: ‘How was your holiday?’ ‘Fantastic!’
fabulous • (informal) extremely good: Jane's a fabulous cook. (Fabulous is slightly more old-fashioned than the other words in this set.)
terrific • (informal) extremely good; wonderful: She's doing a terrific job.
brilliant • (BrE, informal) extremely good; wonderful: ‘How was the show?’ ‘Brilliant!’
awesome • (informal, especially NAmE) very good, impressive, or enjoyable: The show was just awesome.
to have a(n) great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome time
to look/sound great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome
really great/cool/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome
absolutely great/fantastic/fabulous/terrific/brilliant/awesome

smart • clever • brilliant • bright
These words all describe people who are good at learning, understanding and thinking about things, and the actions that show this ability.
intelligent • good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about things; showing this ability: He's a highly intelligent man. She asked a lot of intelligent questions.
smart • (especially NAmE) quick at learning and understanding things; showing the ability to make good business or personal decisions: She's smarter than her brother. That was a smart career move.
clever • (sometimes disapproving, especially BrE) quick at learning and understanding things; showing this ability: How clever of you to work it out! He's too clever by half , if you ask me.
People use clever in the phrase: Clever boy/girl! to tell a young child that they have learnt or done sth well. When used to or about an adult clever can be disapproving.
brilliant • extremely intelligent or skilful: He's a brilliant young scientist.
bright • intelligent; quick to learn: She's probably the brightest student in the class.
Bright is used especially to talk about young people. Common collocations of bright include girl, boy, kid, student, pupil.
clever/brilliant at sth
a(n) intelligent/smart/clever/brilliant/bright child/boy/girl/man/woman
a(n) intelligent/smart/clever/brilliant thing to do

Example Bank:
He's brilliant at football.
Her performance was technically brilliant but lacked feeling.
Her performance was truly brilliant.
Winning that race was just brilliant.
an absolutely brilliant idea
‘How was the show?’ ‘Brilliant!’
He scored a brilliant goal a minute before the whistle blew.
He's a brilliant young scientist.
Thanks. You've been brilliant.
The sky was a brilliant blue.
This is a brilliant and fascinating piece of writing.

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