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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

cere·mo·nial [ceremonial ceremonials] adjective, noun BrE [ˌserɪˈməʊniəl] NAmE [ˌserɪˈmoʊniəl]
relating to or used in a ceremony
ceremonial occasions
a ceremonial sword
The post of mayor is largely ceremonial (= there are no real duties, only ceremonies to attend).

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from late Latin caerimonialis, from Latin caerimonia ‘religious worship’, (plural) ‘ritual observances’.

Example Bank:
a ceremonial occasion/sword
Derived Word:ceremonially
noun uncountable, countable
the system of rules and traditions that states how things should be done at a ceremony or formal occasion
The visit was conducted with all due ceremonial.
the ceremonials of the medieval church

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from late Latin caerimonialis, from Latin caerimonia ‘religious worship’, (plural) ‘ritual observances’.

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