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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

ex·ces·sive BrE [ɪkˈsesɪv] NAmE [ɪkˈsesɪv] adjective
greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs flat.
The amounts she borrowed were not excessive.
Excessive drinking can lead to stomach disorders.
He claimed that the police had used excessive force.
Derived Word:excessively

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Old French excessif, -ive, from medieval Latin excessivus, from Latin excedere ‘surpass’, from ex- ‘out’ + cedere ‘go’.

excessive [excessive excessively] adj.
Excessive drinking can damage your health.
unreasonable • • disproportionate • |formal undue • • inordinate • |BrE, informal over the top • |informal, disapproving a bit much • • extortionate • |formal, disapproving exorbitant
a/an excessive/unreasonable/disproportionate/undue/inordinate amount of sth
a/an excessive/undue/inordinate influence
excessive/unreasonable/extortionate/exorbitant prices
Excessive or undue? Use excessive about matters of fact, when there is too much of sth: excessive use/heat. Use undue about matters of opinion, when you think sth is unreasonable: undue delay/hardship

Example Bank:
The influence of her ideas was perhaps excessive.
The sentence which was imposed was manifestly excessive.
He was found to have been driving at excessive speed.
The cost would be grossly excessive when compared with any environmental benefit.
They complained about the excessive noise coming from the upstairs apartment.
lawyers charging excessive fees

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