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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

frame·work AW [framework frameworks] BrE [ˈfreɪmwɜːk] NAmE [ˈfreɪmwɜːrk] noun
1. the parts of a building or an object that support its weight and give it shape
built on a wooden/metal framework
2. ~ (of/for sth) a set of beliefs, ideas or rules that is used as the basis for making judgements, decisions, etc
The report provides a framework for further research.
We are currently exploring new approaches within existing frameworks of practice and thinking.
3. the structure of a particular system
We need to establish a legal framework for the protection of the environment.
the basic framework of society

Scientific research
formulate/advance a theory/hypothesis
build/construct/create/develop a simple/theoretical/mathematical model
develop/establish/provide/use a theoretical/conceptual framework
advance/argue/develop the thesis that…
explore an idea/a concept/a hypothesis
make a prediction/an inference
base a prediction/your calculations on sth
investigate/evaluate/accept/challenge/reject a theory/hypothesis/model
design an experiment/a questionnaire/a study/a test
do research/an experiment/an analysis
make observations/measurements/calculations
carry out/conduct/perform an experiment/a test/a longitudinal study/observations/clinical trials
run an experiment/a simulation/clinical trials
repeat an experiment/a test/an analysis
replicate a study/the results/the findings
observe/study/examine/investigate/assess a pattern/a process/a behaviour/(especially US) a behavior
fund/support the research/project/study
seek/provide/get/secure funding for research
collect/gather/extract data/information
yield data/evidence/similar findings/the same results
analyse/examine the data/soil samples/a specimen
consider/compare/interpret the results/findings
fit the data/model
confirm/support/verify a prediction/a hypothesis/the results/the findings
prove a conjecture/hypothesis/theorem
draw/make/reach the same conclusions
read/review the records/literature
describe/report an experiment/a study
present/publish/summarize the results/findings
present/publish/read/review/cite a paper in a scientific journal

framework • form • composition • construction • fabric
These are all words for the way the different parts of sth combine together or the way that sth has been made.
structure • the way in which the parts of sth are connected together or arranged; a particular arrangement of parts: the structure of the building/human body the social structure of society the grammatical structures of a language a salary structure
framework • a set of beliefs, ideas or rules that forms the basis of a system or society: The report provides a framework for further research.
form • [U] the arrangement of parts in a whole, especially in a work of art of piece of writing: As a photographer, shape and form were more important to him than colour.
composition • [U] (rather formal) the different parts or people that combine to form sth; the way in which they combine: recent changes in the composition of the workforce
construction • [U] the way that sth has been built or made: ships of steel construction
fabric • (rather formal) the basic structure of a society or an organization that enables it to function successfully: This is a trend which threatens the very fabric of society .
the basic structure/framework/form/composition/construction/fabric of sth
a simple/complex structure/framework/form
the economic/political/social structure/framework/composition/fabric of sth
the chemical/genetic structure/composition of sth

Example Bank:
Carbon dating provides us with a basic chronological framework.
Negotiations were also conducted outside the framework of the treaty talks proper.
The committee will work within the framework of certain broad objectives.
The needs of individual schools need to be considered in a wider framework.
They established a basic framework of ground rules for discussions.
a legal framework for the regulation of public access to databases
The ship's elaborate metal framework was exposed.

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