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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something (Freq. 84)
- made an effort to cover all the reading material
- wished him luck in his endeavor
- she gave it a good try
attempt, endeavor, endeavour, try
Derivationally related forms:
try (for: try), endeavour (for: endeavour), endeavor (for: endeavor), attempt (for: attempt)
batting, best, worst, bid, play,
crack, fling, go, pass, whirl, offer,
essay, foray, contribution, part, share, liberation,
mug's game, power play, squeeze play, squeeze, seeking, shot,
stab, striving, nisus, pains, strain, struggle,
battle, takeover attempt, test, trial, run
2. use of physical or mental energy;
hard work (Freq. 12)
- he got an A for effort
- they managed only with great exertion
elbow grease, exertion, travail, sweat
Derivationally related forms:
travail (for: travail), exert (for: exertion)
labor, labour, toil
struggle, trouble, difficulty, least effort, least resistance,
strain, straining, exercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion,
workout, pull, application, diligence, overkill, supererogation,
overexertion, friction, detrition, rubbing
3. a notable achievement (Freq. 2)
- he performed a great feat
- the book was her finest effort
feat, exploit
accomplishment, achievement
derring-do, hit, rally, rallying, stunt, tour de force
4. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
- he supported populist campaigns
- they worked in the cause of world peace
- the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant
- the movement to end slavery
- contributed to the war effort
campaign, cause, crusade, drive, movement
Derivationally related forms:
drive (for: drive), crusade (for: crusade), campaign (for: campaign)
advertising campaign, ad campaign, ad blitz, anti-war movement, charm campaign,
consumerism, campaigning, candidacy, candidature, electioneering, political campaign,
fund-raising campaign, fund-raising drive, fund-raising effort, feminist movement, feminism, women's liberation movement,
women's lib, gay liberation movement, gay lib, lost cause, reform, war,
youth movement, youth crusade

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