Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
pacifier ![](images/dict/p/pacifier.gif)
1. device used for an infant to suck or bite on • Syn: comforter, baby's dummy, teething ring • Derivationally related forms: pacify, comfort (for: comforter) • Hypernyms: device 2. someone who tries to bring peace • Syn: conciliator, make-peace, peacemaker, reconciler • Derivationally related forms: reconcile (for: reconciler), pacify, make peace (for: make-peace), conciliate (for: conciliator) • Hypernyms: mediator, go-between, intermediator, intermediary, intercessor • Hyponyms: appeaser 3. anything that serves to pacify • Hypernyms: thing
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