1. mechanical device attached to an elevated structure; rotates freely to show the direction of the wind • Syn: weathervane, weather vane, wind vane • Hypernyms: mechanical device • Hyponyms: weathercock, wind tee 2. a fin attached to the tail of an arrow, bomb or missile in order to stabilize or guide it • Hypernyms: fin • Part Holonyms: missile, arrow 3. flat surface that rotates and pushes against air or water • Syn: blade • Hypernyms: rotating mechanism • Hyponyms: fan blade, impeller, paddle, rudder blade • Part Holonyms: propeller, propellor, helicopter, chopper, whirlybird, eggbeater, windmill, aerogenerator, wind generator, turbine, oar 4. the flattened weblike part of a feather consisting of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft • Syn: web • Hypernyms: blade • Part Holonyms: feather, plume, plumage • Part Meronyms: barb