Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 measuring distances 2 long distances 3 short distances see also LONG/SHORT
1 measuring distances - the amount of space between two places or points: distance (noun C/U) a long/short distance apart ◎ a distance of twenty kilometres ◎ the distance between London and Birmingham - to ask what the distance is from one place to another, you say how far How far is it to the petrol station? ◎ How far is it from Rome to Naples? - at a particular distance: away, off The hotel is just half a mile away/off. - units used for measuring distances between places: kilometre (abbreviation km), mile (1 mile = 1.6 km) a distance of three kilometres ◎ a ten-mile journey
2 long distances - at a long distance from sb/sth; not near: a long way (away), far (away); adjective: distant The cinema's quite a long way from here. ◎ My boyfriend doesn't seem such a long way away now that I can phone him. ◎ 'How far is it to Brighton?' 'Not far at all - about five miles.' ◎ It's too far to walk. ◎ We heard a distant cry for help. - not very near, but not too far away: (at) some distance from a place The theatre is some distance from the station, but we can walk if it's a nice evening. Note: far in this sense is normally used only in questions and in negative sentences. In affirmative sentences we say a long way. - not at all near: (informal) nowhere near Manchester's nowhere near London. - more distant: further/farther (away), beyond ※¦, past ※¦ How much further do we have to go? ◎ It's much further away than I expected. ◎ This bus doesn't go beyond/past the end of the road. - most distant: furthest/farthest Which is furthest from London - Glasgow, Edinburgh or Stirling? - (used about one of two ends or sides) more distant: far (adjective, only before a noun) at the far end of the street ◎ on the far bank of the river - a very long way (away): (informal) miles (away) It'll take a long time to get there - it's miles away. ◎ I had to walk miles to get to the nearest phone box. - as far away as possible: extreme, furthest He lives in the extreme north of Sweden. ◎ the furthest point from the sea - to continue over a long distance: stretch ※¦, extend ※¦ The road stretched for miles. - between places that are a long way from each other: long-distance a long-distance phone call ◎ a long-distance foot path - a thing that can be seen, but is very far away, is in the distance As we came over the hill we could see the town in the distance. - so far away that you cannot see it: out of sight We waved goodbye until they were completely out of sight. - if sth is a long way from any other people or places, it is remote a remote house/village
3 short distances - at a short distance from sb/sth: near (※¦), close (to ※¦), nearby, not far (away) Is there a bank near here? ◎ He stood very close to me, making me feel rather uncomfortable. ◎ Come a bit closer. ◎ Is there a school nearby? ◎ Not far away, children were playing. - in or near a place: around Are there any cinemas around here? Note: in the examples above, near, close, etc are prepositions and/or adverbs. Near, close and nearby can also be adjectives. As adjectives, near, nearer, close and closer can only be used after a noun. Nearby can only be used before a noun, and nearest and closest can be used before or after a noun. We needn't take the car - it's quite near/close. ◎ Let's go to the Red Lion. It's a bit nearer. ◎ a nearby village ◎ Can you tell me where the nearest post office is? ◎ Let's go to whichever petrol station is closest. ※ coming or going nearer to sb/sth COME/GO - coming immediately after sth: next The next building on your right is the Houses of Parliament. - at the side of sb/sth: beside ※¦, next to ※¦ She sat down next to me. - attached to sth or situated very close or next to sth: adjacent, neighbouring (AmE neighboring) There are offices in the adjacent building. ◎ We walked to the neighbouring village five miles away. - less distant (used about one of two ends or sides): near (adjective, only before a noun) the near side of the road - in the nearest house or building to the one where you are: next door; adjective: next-door There are some really nice people living next door. ◎ We went round to the next-door neighbours last night for a drink. - the area surrounding where you live, especially in a town: neighbourhood (AmE neighborhood) They've moved to a new neighbourhood. - in the same area: about, in the vicinity, locally; adjective: local Is Cathy anywhere about? ◎ There didn't seem to be any good schools in the vicinity. ◎ Do you live locally? ◎ You don't need to go to the supermarket for that - just go round the corner to the local shop. ※ MORE ... - the direct distance between two places without going along the roads: as the crow flies It's three miles by road but two miles as the crow flies. - a very short distance from one place to another: a stone's throw The place where I work is just a stone's throw from my house. - immediately in front of you: (right) under your nose I've been looking for these keys all day, and all the time they've been right under my nose! - if sth is close enough to you to be touched or easily reached, it is within reach Where we live is within easy reach of the countryside.
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