Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 society 2 different groups in society 3 the position of groups and individuals in society 4 social attitudes 5 studying people in society see also PEOPLE, COUNTRY
1 society - the people in a particular country or area who have the same laws and customs: society (noun C/U); adjective: social We live in an industrial society. ◎ Society's attitude towards sex and marriage has changed a lot since the 1960s. ◎ social problems/change ◎ a person's social background - the customs, ideas, religion, art, music, literature, etc of a particular group or society: culture (noun C/U); adjective: cultural (adverb culturally) In this part of Africa you will find many different languages and cultures. ◎ similarities of language and culture ◎ a culturally distinct region - a society which contains and recognizes the cultures of many different groups of people is multicultural We live in a multicultural society. - a society that follows customs and beliefs that have lasted for a long time is traditional - a society that follows recent ideas and ways of behaving is modern - a society that is rich and has a lot of industry is developed, advanced; opposite: underdeveloped an advanced industrial society - the degree to which a society is developed or underdeveloped: development (noun U) a society at an early stage of development - having a high level of social and cultural development: civilized; noun (U): civilization You don't expect that kind of poverty in a civilized society. ◎ a high level of civilization ※ customs CUSTOM - more on being modern MODERN
2 different groups in society - a number of people who are together or who are connected in some way: group (with singular or plural verb) Pensioners are a group of people who feel that the government is ignoring their needs. - a group of people who live in a particular place, area or country or share some interest, quality, etc: community (with singular or plural verb) We are a very close community and we would find it difficult to accept too many newcomers to this area. ◎ the gay community ※ more on people in groups GROUP ※ social class - a group of people who are at the same social and economic level: (social) class (noun C/U) divisions in society caused by class ◎ a person's ability to move from one class to another - the social class who usually do industrial or physical work: the working class; adjective: working-class a working-class area/family - the social class that includes professional and business people: the middle class; adjective: middle-class They have a comfortable middle-class lifestyle. - the highest social class, including very rich people and people who have special titles: the upper class; adjective: upper-class - without social classes: classless an attempt to build a classless society - people in society who have little money: the poor (noun plural) - people in society who have a lot of money: the rich (noun plural) - a social group that is considered to be the highest because of its power, money, intelligence, etc: elite the intellectual elite ※ more on being rich or poor RICH, POOR ※ race - one of the groups into which people can be divided according to their skin colour, hair type, etc: race (noun C/U); adjective racial (adverb racially)# ※ different races PEOPLE ※ age - all the people in a group or a country who were born at the same time: generation (with singular or plural verb) My parents' generation were born before the war. ◎ the younger generation - people of a particular age: age group the 20-30 age group ※ more on age groups YOUNG/OLD
3 the position of groups and individuals in society - the level of importance that sb has in an organization or in society: rank (noun C/U), position (noun C/U) to be promoted to a higher rank (= in the army, police, etc) Old people have an important position in this community. - your social or professional position in relation to others: status (noun singular) a high/low status occupation - a person who has the same status or rights in society: equal to be treated as an equal ※ more on rank and position RANK - the state of being equal: equality (noun U); opposite: inequality (noun U) racial equality - a person's legal right to freedom and equality whatever their sex, race or beliefs: civil rights/liberties (noun plural) - the relations between people of different races who live in the same town, country, etc: race relations (noun plural) - to join in and become part of a community: integrate (into/with sth); to help sb to do this: integrate sb (into/with sth); noun (U): integration racial integration - to separate one group of people from the rest: segregate sb (from sth); noun (U): segregation - work that involves giving help to people in society who have problems because they are poor, ill, etc: social work (noun U); a person who does this work: social worker
4 social attitudes - the ability or willingness to accept differences between people: tolerance (noun U); opposite: intolerance (noun U) religious intolerance ◎ to show intolerance towards another group of people - having tolerance: tolerant; opposite: intolerant a tolerant society - a dislike of a group in society that is not based on reason or experience: prejudice (noun C/U); a person who has this kind of feeling is prejudiced (against sb/sth) racial prejudice ◎ He's prejudiced against foreigners. - to treat one group of people worse than others: discriminate (against sb/sth); noun (U): discrimination It is illegal to discriminate against any ethnic group. ◎ racial/religious/sexual discrimination - a person who believes that people of other races are not as good as people of their own race: racist; adjective: racist; this kind of belief: racism (noun U) a racist remark ◎ an anti-racist demonstration ◎ The government is taking measures to stop racism. ※ attitudes to the different sexes SEX - a person who thinks they are better than sb of a lower class and who admires people of a higher class: snob; adjective: snobbish; nouns (U): snobbishness, snobbery Don't be such a snob! ◎ Julia is incredibly snobbish towards her husband's family. - a person who is or feels different from other people: misfit a social misfit - a person who is not accepted as a member of a particular group: outsider
5 studying people in society - the study of human societies and social behaviour: sociology (noun U); adjective: sociological; a person who studies sociology: sociologist - the study of people, especially of their origins, development, beliefs and customs: anthropology (noun U); adjective: anthropological; a person who studies anthropology: anthropologist - an official count of all the people who live in a country, including information about their age, jobs, etc: census
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