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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 willing
2 not willing
saying yes or no
see also WANT

1 willing
- if you agree that you will do sth, you are willing (to do sth) (not before a noun), ready (to do sth) (not before a noun), prepared (to do sth) (not before a noun); noun (U): willingness
I'm not willing to work on Sundays. 'Would you be prepared to lend us the van next week?' 'Yes, of course.' Thanks for your willingness to help.
- very willing to do sth: eager (to do sth), keen (to do sth), keen on doing sth
eager volunteers keen supporters I'm quite keen to get involved in the project. Are you really keen on joining the army?
- willing to help: helpful
I wish he would try and be more helpful.
- happy to help: willing (adverb willingly)
willing assistants He offered his services willingly.
- willing to do what sb wants: cooperative
- if you do sth without being forced or asked, you do it of your own accord
I didn't have to ask him. He did it entirely of his own accord.
- to show that you are willing to do sth, you can use will, would
I'll phone her now if you want. I won't accept their offer. He said he wouldn't help me.
- to say that you are willing to do sth: agree to sth
Eric's agreed to lend us his car for the weekend.
- willing to leave things the way they are or as others want them: content (to do sth), content (with sth)
He's content to stay at home and look after the children. I'm quite content with my life at the moment.

2 not willing
- not ready to do sth: unwilling (adverb unwillingly); noun (U): unwillingness
She's unwilling to help. Chris went to school unwillingly. his unwillingness to get involved
- not willing to do what sb wants; not being helpful: uncooperative
She's being very uncooperative about the move.
- very unwilling: grudging (adverb grudgingly)
grudging thanks He grudgingly agreed to give me the money.
- to be unwilling to do sth because you are not sure if it is right: hesitate (to do sth), hold* back (from doing sth)
She hesitated to accept his offer. They held back until they had more information about the project.
- not willing and therefore slow to agree to do sth: reluctant (adverb reluctantly); noun (U): reluctance
I was reluctant to lend him the car because he's such a fast driver. I'm not surprised at your reluctance to go and see him.
※—† refusing
- to say or show that you do not want to do, give, accept, etc sth: refuse (sth), refuse to do sth; noun (C/U): refusal
I offered him a lift but he refused. She refused to believe that he had gone for good. They refused to help us. We were surprised at his refusal to accept the job.
- to refuse to accept sb/sth: reject sb/sth; noun (C/U): rejection
Our offer has been rejected.
- to refuse to allow sb to go into a place: turn sb away
We were turned away from the night club.
- to refuse to accept sb who has applied for a job: turn sb down
- to refuse to accept an offer or suggestion: turn sth down
My suggestion was turned down.
- not wanting to do what other people want you to do: stubborn (adverb stubbornly); noun (U): stubbornness
She's too stubborn to apologize. He stubbornly refused to let her go.
※—† MORE ...
- to refuse directly without any discussion: refuse point-blank
I asked him to let me go but he refused point-blank.
- to refuse to change your mind: stand* firm
We should stand firm by our decision.
- to refuse to listen to what sb is saying: turn a deaf ear (to sb/sth)
I tried to convince him that my plan was sensible but he turned a deaf ear to me.

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