Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1. a resource (Freq. 10) - visual aids in teaching • Syn: assistance, help • Derivationally related forms: help (for: help) • Hypernyms: resource 2. the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose (Freq. 9) - he gave me an assist with the housework - could not walk without assistance - rescue party went to their aid - offered his help in unloading • Syn: assist, assistance, help • Derivationally related forms: help (for: help), assist (for: assistance), assist (for: assist) • Hypernyms: activity • Hyponyms: self-help, facilitation, hand, helping hand, recourse, resort, refuge, thanks, relief, succor, succour, ministration, lift, service, accommodation, boost, encouragement, comfort, support 3. money to support a worthy person or cause (Freq. 6) • Syn: economic aid, financial aid • Hypernyms: gift • Hyponyms: social welfare, welfare, public assistance, philanthropy, philanthropic gift, scholarship, fellowship, foreign aid, grant, grant-in-aid, traineeship 4. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something - no medical care was required - the old car needs constant attention • Syn: care, attention, tending • Derivationally related forms: tend (for: tending), attend (for: attention), care (for: care) • Hypernyms: work • Hyponyms: hair care, haircare, hairdressing, maternalism, babysitting, baby sitting, pet sitting, dental care, first aid, treatment, intervention, incubation, livery, manicure, pedicure, nourishment, nursing, tender loving care, TLC, nurturance, personal care, skin care, skincare, faith healing, faith cure, tree surgery, healthcare, health care
1. give help or assistance; be of service (Freq. 36) - Everyone helped out during the earthquake - Can you help me carry this table? - She never helps around the house • Syn: help, assist • Derivationally related forms: assistive (for: assist), assistant (for: assist), assist (for: assist), assistance (for: assist), helper (for: help), help (for: help) • Hypernyms: support, back up • Hyponyms: facilitate, ease, alleviate, serve, attend to, wait on, attend, assist, benefact, help out, subserve, succor, succour, expedite, hasten, avail, care, give care, bootstrap • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Somebody ----s to INFINITIVE (for: help) - Sam cannot aid Sue 2. improve the condition of (Freq. 1) - These pills will help the patient • Syn: help • Derivationally related forms: help (for: help) • Hypernyms: better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate • Hyponyms: bring around, cure, heal, benefit, do good • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody
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