1 saying how cold sth is 2 when your body is cold 3 keeping cool when the weather is hot keeping food cold FOOD see also HOT, WEATHER
1 saying how cold sth is - not hot, having a low temperature: cold; noun (U): cold Turn the heating up - I'm cold. ◎ a cold winter ◎ The water was extremely cold. ◎ Come inside - you shouldn't stay out in the cold so long. - a little cold: cool; noun (U): cool a cool drink ◎ the cool of the evening - if sth is completely cold, it is stone-cold I can't eat this soup - it's stone-cold! - to get colder: cool down/off; to make sb/sth get colder: cool sb/sth down/off I'll eat it when it's cooled down a bit. - to become hard because of extreme cold: freeze* The ground had frozen hard. - very cold: (informal) freezing, (informal) freezing cold You've got no coat on - you must be freezing! ◎ I'd stay in today if I were you - it's freezing cold out there. ※ cold liquids LIQUID, WATER, ICE - measuring temperature HOT
2 when your body is cold - when your body shakes because of the cold, you shiver - when your teeth knock together because you are shivering, they chatter - the small points which appear on your skin when you are cold: goose-flesh (noun U), goose pimples (AmE goose bumps)(noun plural) - a serious injury to the fingers, toes, etc caused by extreme cold: frostbite (noun U); adjective: frostbitten - to die because of staying in extreme cold: freeze* to death, die of cold - if you often feel cold (more than most people), you feel* the cold Old people tend to feel the cold more than the young.
3 keeping cool when the weather is hot - a system for keeping buildings cool when the weather is hot: air-conditioning (noun U) - a machine for air-conditioning: air-conditioner - cooled by air-conditioning: air-conditioned an air-conditioned office - an electrical machine with blades which turn around and keep the air moving in a room: fan - to cool sb/sth by waving sth in the air: fan sb/sth/yourself It was hot in the theatre and some of the audience started fanning themselves with their programmes.