Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 making a mistake 2 saying that sb has made a mistake 3 avoiding or correcting mistakes
1 making a mistake - something that you do or say that is wrong: mistake* (noun C/U), (more formal) error (noun C/U) She told him that there was a mistake in the bill. ◎ I made the mistake of asking for a pay rise. ◎ a small/bad/costly/fatal mistake ◎ A computer error resulted in many people not being paid on time. ◎ a serious error of judgement ◎ The plane crashed as a result of human error. - to do sth which is a mistake: make* a mistake, (more formal) make* an error I've made a lot of spelling mistakes in this - I think I'll have to do it again. - as a result of a mistake or carelessness: by mistake, (more formal) in error I'm sorry. I broke it by mistake. ◎ It was sent to him in error - it should have been sent to me. - to be wrong or confused about sb or sth: mistake* sb/sth He mistook her for her sister since they looked so like each other. ◎ I mistook what he said. I thought he said the film was on tonight. - if you have made a mistake, you are wrong (about sb/sth), wrong (to do sth/in doing sth) (adverb wrongly), (more formal) mistaken (about sth) (adverb mistakenly) It's true I was wrong about the date of the battle of Hastings. ◎ I was wrong in thinking that I could manage on my own. ◎ You are very much mistaken if you think I'm going to buy you another one. ◎ They thought mistakenly that he was going to come too. - to make a mistake or a series of mistakes: go* wrong We tried to be good parents but both our children have ended up in prison. Were did we go wrong? - if you are not wrong, you are right, correct You were right about the film. I really enjoyed it. ◎ She felt she had done the right thing. ◎ That's not the correct answer. - if sth contains mistakes, it is wrong, incorrect; opposites: right, correct - if sth is not careful and exact and it contains mistakes, it is inaccurate (adverb inaccurately); opposite: accurate (adverb accurately) We lost our way because the map was inaccurate. ◎ He described the man so accurately that the police were able to identify him. - a mistake in the planning or organization of sth: mix-up, muddle, confusion They told me there had been a bit of a muddle in the travel arrangements and so we got the wrong tickets. ◎ Sorry. There seems to be a slight confusion here - I asked for a single room, not a double. - a mistake caused by thinking that sb/sth is sb/sth else: confusion (noun C/U), muddle; to make this kind of mistake: confuse A and/with B, muddle A (up) with B, muddle A and B To avoid confusion, the wires have been colour-coded. ◎ I made the awful mistake of confusing her with her daughter. ◎ I think you've muddled me up with a colleague who has a similar name. - a mistake which happens because you didn't do sth or notice sth: oversight Because of an oversight, I didn't receive your cheque in time.
2 saying that sb has made a mistake - responsibility for a mistake: fault (noun U) It's not my fault! - to say that sb is responsible for a mistake: blame sb (for sth), put* the blame on sb (for sth) I wasn't even there, so don't blame me. - to say that sb has made a mistake or that they have done sth wrong: accuse sb (of sth); noun: accusation It wasn't my mistake so I don't see why they accused me of harming the company. ◎ The main accusation was that we had not checked the figures carefully enough. - to agree that you made a mistake: take*/accept the blame (for sth) It wasn't my mistake, so I'm not going to take the blame. - to agree, often without wanting to, that you have done sth wrong: admit (to) sth, admit doing sth/(that) ※¦; noun: admission I was wrong. I admit it. ◎ I admit I broke it, but it was an accident. ◎ They accepted his admission that he had made a terrible mistake. ※ more on blaming sb for sth BLAME - to say that sb has done sth badly: criticize sb (for sth); an act of criticizing: criticism (noun C/U) The government was criticized for not taking action earlier. ◎ Constructive criticism is always useful. ◎ He got a lot of criticism for the way he behaved at the meeting. ◎ My main criticism is that it is very difficult to read. - making criticisms: critical He was very critical of the way they had done the work. ◎ to make a critical remark/comment ※ more on criticizing sb CRITICISM
3 avoiding or correcting mistakes - to look at sth to make sure that it is correct or in good order: check (up), check (through) sth Just to be sure, I decided to check up. ◎ I've checked it and it seems to be working OK. - to do sth with no mistakes: get* sth right I just can't get this paragraph right. - to make a mistake right: put* sth right, correct sth Could you put this right for me, please? ◎ I prefer teachers to correct my English. ◎ He wrote to the newspaper asking them to correct some errors in an article they had published. - an act of making sth right: correction (noun C/U) Do your corrections before you start on the next exercise. ◎ The essay was in need of correction. ※ MORE ... - to do sth very badly and make a lot of mistakes: (informal) mess sth up, (informal) make* a mess of sth I've really messed up my chances of getting that job. ◎ They've made a mess of the repair to my car.
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