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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

Cre·ole [Creole Creoles] BrE [ˈkriːəʊl] NAmE [ˈkriːoʊl] (also creole) noun
1. countable a person of mixed European and African race, especially one who lives in the West Indies
2. countable a person whose ↑ancestors were among the first Europeans who settled in the West Indies or S America, or one of the French or Spanish people who settled in the southern states of the US
Creole cookery
3. uncountable a language formed when a mixture of a European language with a local language (especially an African language spoken by ↑slaves in the West Indies) is spoken as a first language
compare pidgin

Word Origin:
from French créole, criole, from Spanish criollo, probably from Portuguese crioulo ‘black person born in Brazil’, from criar ‘to breed’, from Latin creare ‘produce, create’.

Example Bank:
Most of the population speak a creole with a French-derived vocabulary
The two girls were speaking Creole.

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