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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

from BrE [frəm] NAmE [frəm] BrE strong form [frɒm] AmE strong form [frʌm] strong form NAmE [frɑːm] preposition
 For the special uses of from in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example keep sth from sb is in the phrasal verb section at keep.
1. used to show where sb/sth starts
She began to walk away from him.
Has the train from Bristol arrived?
2. used to show when sth starts
We're open from 8 to 7 every day.
He was blind from birth.
3. used to show who sent or gave sth/sb
a letter from my brother
information from witnesses
the man from (= representing) the insurance company
4. used to show what the origin of sb/sth is
I'm from Italy.
documents from the sixteenth century
quotations from Shakespeare
heat from the sun
5. used to show the material that sth is made of
Steel is made from iron.
6. used to show how far apart two places are
100 metres from the scene of the accident
7. used to show sb's position or point of view
You can see the island from here.
From a financial point of view the project was a disaster.
8. ~ sth (to sth) used to show the range of sth
The temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20.
The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers.
Conditions vary from school to school.
9. ~ sth (to sth) used to show the state or form of sth/sb before a change
Things have gone from bad to worse.
translating from English to Spanish
You need a break from routine.
10. used to show that sb/sth is separated or removed
The party was ousted from power after eighteen years.
11. used to show that sth is prevented
She saved him from drowning.
12. used to show the reason for sth
She felt sick from tiredness.
13. used to show the reason for making a judgement
You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting.
From what I heard the company's in deep trouble.
14. used when distinguishing between two people or things
Is Portuguese very different from Spanish?
I can't tell one twin from the other.
Idiom:from … on

Word Origin:
[from] Old English fram, from, of Germanic origin; related to Old Norse frá (see ↑fro).

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