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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

out·law [outlaw outlaws outlawed outlawing] verb, noun BrE [ˈaʊtlɔː] NAmE [ˈaʊtlɔː]
1. ~ sth to make sth illegal
Syn: ban
plans to outlaw the carrying of knives
the outlawed nationalist party
2. ~ sb (in the past) to make sb an ↑outlaw
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Old English ūtlaga (noun), ūtlagian (verb), from Old Norse útlagi, noun from útlagr ‘outlawed or banished’.

Example Bank:
Commercial whaling has been outlawed by international agreement.
He was found to be a member of the outlawed rebel movement.
There are plans to outlaw the carrying of knives.

(used especially about people in the past) a person who has done sth illegal and is hiding to avoid being caught; a person who is not protected by the law
Robin Hood, the world's most famous outlaw

Word Origin:
late Old English ūtlaga (noun), ūtlagian (verb), from Old Norse útlagi, noun from útlagr ‘outlawed or banished’.

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