1. navigational instrument for finding directions (Freq. 3) • Hypernyms: navigational instrument • Hyponyms: gyrocompass, magnetic compass 2. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet" (Freq. 2) - a piano has a greater range than the human voice - the ambit of municipal legislation - within the compass of this article - within the scope of an investigation - outside the reach of the law - in the political orbit of a world power • Syn: scope, range, reach, orbit, ambit • Derivationally related forms: range (for: range), scopal (for: scope) • Hypernyms: extent • Hyponyms: approximate range, ballpark, confines, contrast, internationality, internationalism, latitude, horizon, view, purview, sweep, expanse, gamut, spectrum, palette, pallet 3. the limit of capability - within the compass of education • Syn: range, reach, grasp • Derivationally related forms: range (for: range) • Hypernyms: capability, capableness, potentiality • Hyponyms: sight, ken 4. drafting instrument used for drawing circles • Hypernyms: drafting instrument
1. bring about; accomplish - This writer attempts more than his talents can compass • Usage Domain: archaism, archaicism • Hypernyms: achieve, accomplish, attain, reach • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 2. travel around, either by plane or ship - We compassed the earth • Syn: circumnavigate • Derivationally related forms: circumnavigation (for: circumnavigate) • Hypernyms: circle • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something 3. get the meaning of something - Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter? • Syn: grok, get the picture, comprehend, savvy, dig, grasp, apprehend • Derivationally related forms: apprehensible (for: apprehend), apprehensive (for: apprehend), apprehension (for: apprehend), apprehender (for: apprehend), grasp (for: grasp), grasping (for: grasp), savvy (for: savvy), comprehensible (for: comprehend), comprehendible (for: comprehend), comprehension (for: comprehend) • Hypernyms: understand • Hyponyms: figure, catch on, get wise, get onto, tumble, latch on, cotton on, twig, get it, intuit, digest • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - Somebody ----s (for: get the picture)