1. the (prehensile) extremity of the superior limb (Freq. 215) - he had the hands of a surgeon - he extended his mitt • Syn: manus, mitt, paw • Derivationally related forms: paw (for: paw) • Hypernyms: extremity • Hyponyms: fist, clenched fist, hooks, meat hooks, maulers, right, right hand, left, left hand • Part Holonyms: arm, homo, man, human being, human • Part Meronyms: digital arteries, arteria digitalis, metacarpal artery, arteria metacarpea, intercapitular vein, vena intercapitalis, metacarpal vein, vena metacarpus, palm, thenar, finger, ball, metacarpus 2. a hired laborer on a farm or ranch (Freq. 5) - the hired hand fixed the railing - a ranch hand • Syn: hired hand, hired man • Hypernyms: laborer, manual laborer, labourer, jack • Hyponyms: farmhand, fieldhand, field hand, farm worker, herder, herdsman, drover, ranch hand, stableman, stableboy, groom, hostler, ostler 3. something written by hand (Freq. 4) - she recognized his handwriting - his hand was illegible • Syn: handwriting, script • Derivationally related forms: scriptural (for: script), handwrite (for: handwriting) • Topics: handwriting • Hypernyms: writing • Hyponyms: shorthand, stenography, tachygraphy, longhand, running hand, cursive, cursive script, calligraphy, penmanship, chirography, scribble, scratch, scrawl, cacography 4. ability (Freq. 3) - he wanted to try his hand at singing • Hypernyms: ability, power 5. a position given by its location to the side of an object (Freq. 2) - objections were voiced on every hand • Hypernyms: side 6. the cards held in a card game by a given player at any given time (Freq. 1) - I didn't hold a good hand all evening - he kept trying to see my hand • Syn: deal • Derivationally related forms: deal (for: deal) • Hypernyms: collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage • Hyponyms: bridge hand, poker hand • Part Meronyms: long suit 7. one of two sides of an issue (Freq. 1) - on the one hand..., but on the other hand... • Hypernyms: side 8. a rotating pointer on the face of a timepiece (Freq. 1) - the big hand counts the minutes • Hypernyms: pointer • Hyponyms: hour hand, little hand, minute hand, big hand, second hand • Part Holonyms: timepiece, timekeeper, horologe 9. a unit of length equal to 4 inches; used in measuring horses - the horse stood 20 hands • Hypernyms: handbreadth, handsbreadth 10. a member of the crew of a ship - all hands on deck • Hypernyms: sailor, crewman 11. a card player in a game of bridge - we need a 4th hand for bridge • Syn: bridge player • Hypernyms: card player • Hyponyms: bidder, bridge partner, contractor, declarer 12. a round of applause to signify approval - give the little lady a great big hand • Hypernyms: applause, hand clapping, clapping 13. terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates (e.g. apes or kangaroos) - "the kangaroo's forearms seem undeveloped but the powerful five-fingered hands are skilled at feinting and clouting"- Springfield (Mass.) Union • Hypernyms: forepaw 14. physical assistance - give me a hand with the chores • Syn: helping hand • Hypernyms: aid, assist, assistance, help
1. place into the hands or custody of (Freq. 25) - hand me the spoon, please - Turn the files over to me, please - He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers • Syn: pass, reach, pass on, turn over, give • See Also: hand out, hand down, hand over, pass on (for: pass) • Derivationally related forms: passage (for: pass) • Hypernyms: transfer • Hyponyms: give, slip, sneak, deal, hand over, fork over, fork out, fork up, turn in, deliver, render, release, relinquish, resign, free, give up, entrust, intrust, trust, confide, commit, leave • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Somebody ----s somebody something - Somebody ----s something to somebody - They hand the food to the people - They hand the people the food 2. guide or conduct or usher somewhere - hand the elderly lady into the taxi • Hypernyms: lead, take, direct, conduct, guide • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody