1 bad 2 worse 3 very bad; worst morally bad RIGHT/WRONG see also GOOD
1 bad - not of a good quality or standard: bad, poor Don't go to that restaurant - the service is really bad. ◎ poor quality paper - in a bad way: badly a badly written book - not good or pleasant: bad, nasty, horrible, unpleasant; nouns (U): nastiness, unpleasantness I've had a really bad day today. ◎ He made some really nasty comments about my work. ◎ I had a horrible feeling that something awful was going to happen. ◎ There's a rather unpleasant smell coming from the fridge. ◎ I don't like all this unpleasantness - let's be nice to each other. - not able to do sth well: bad (at sth), no good at sth, hopeless (at sth) bad parents/drivers ◎ I'm sorry, I'm no good at making speeches. ◎ Alex is hopeless at writing letters. ※ not good at doing sth SKILL - if sth makes you ill, unhealthy or unhappy, it is bad (for you) Eating too much fatty food is bad for you. - in bad health: not well, ill; noun (U): illness ※ more on illness ILLNESS - if sth is not what is needed for a particular purpose, it is wrong, unsuitable (for sth) That's the wrong way to put on your skis. ◎ I feel I chose the wrong university. ◎ That sort of paint is unsuitable for the outside of a building. ※ more on being suitable USEFUL/SUITABLE - not good enough: unsatisfactory Only two people came to the class yesterday - this is quite unsatisfactory. - below the usual or expected quality: not up to standard, below standard, second rate I'm afraid your work isn't up to standard. ◎ That was rather a second-rate performance, wasn't it? - not good or bad: (informal) so-so 'How are you today?' 'Mm, so-so.' - to make sth useless or not as good as before: damage sth; the effect of damaging sth: damage (noun U) The fire destroyed the library and damaged some nearby buildings. ◎ to damage sb's reputation ◎ The floods caused millions of pounds' worth of damage. - to damage sb's health, a situation, etc: harm sb/sth; noun (U): harm; causing harm: harmful - to be careless or make a mistake, with the result that sth is no longer good: spoil sth, ruin sth Don't put too much salt in the soup - you'll spoil it. ◎ I'm afraid I've ruined your jacket - I'll buy you a new one. ※ more on damage DAMAGE
2 worse - the comparative form of 'bad'; of a lower quality, less suitable, etc: worse (than sb/sth) This shop is even worse than the last one we went into. ◎ I was frightened of getting into worse difficulties. - the comparative of 'badly'; in a way that is less good: worse (than sb/sth) Good heavens! you sing even worse than I do! - lower in quality: inferior The clothes were cheaper but also of inferior quality. - to become worse than before: get* worse, worsen, deteriorate; noun (U): deterioration The situation is getting worse by the day. ◎ Unfortunately her condition has worsened since the last time you visited. ◎ The standards in the school have deteriorated badly since the previous headmaster left. - (used about a situation that was already bad) to become worse: go* from bad to worse Things seem to be going from bad to worse - what are we going to do now? - to make sth worse: aggravate sth Don't laugh at him - you'll only aggravate the situation.
3 very bad; worst - worse than anything/anybody else: worst It was the worst holiday I had ever had. ◎ What has been the worst experience in your life? - in a way that is worse than any other: (the) worst A lot of us sang badly but I'm sure I sang the worst. - very bad: awful, terrible, dreadful She failed her exams? How awful! ◎ He's a terrible driver - he's already had three accidents this year. - extremely bad: atrocious (adverb atrociously), appalling (adverb appallingly), horrendous (adverb horrendously) I think she's behaved atrociously. ◎ How could he tell all those lies? It's quite appalling. ◎ Sorry we're late - the traffic on the motorway was horrendous. - very bad, and therefore disappointing: (informal) lousy I had a lousy time at the party - I felt really ill all evening. Note: lousy cannot be used to talk about sth that is necessarily bad, such as an accident or failing exams, but only about sth that might be good, like a party. - a bad problem, situation, etc is serious; noun (U): seriousness a serious illness ◎ The pollution in this area is getting serious. ◎ I don't think any of us appreciated the seriousness of the situation. - too bad to bear: unbearable (adverb unbearably), intolerable (adverb intolerably) unbearable pain ◎ intolerable suspense ◎ The journey seemed intolerably long. - frightening, evil: sinister, horrible, horrific There's a rather sinister feeling in this house - I don't like it at all. ◎ The horrible face of the monster suddenly appeared at the window. ◎ I've just had a horrific dream. - extremely unpleasant; that can make you feel ill: disgusting, foul, revolting The beds were uncomfortable and the food was disgusting. ◎ A foul/revolting smell was coming from the river. ※ very bad events - (used to talk about an event) having extremely bad results: catastrophic, disastrous (adverb disastrously); an event which has very bad effects: catastrophe, disaster 'How was your exam?' 'Catastrophic.' ◎ My interview went disastrously. ◎ There's been a terrible disaster - hundreds of people have been killed. - (used to talk about an event) causing death or great sadness: tragic (adverb tragically); an event which causes death or great sadness: tragedy It's quite tragic, what happened to that young couple. ◎ It's a tragedy that so many young people have never had a job. - a bad surprise: shock, blow I think it came as quite a blow for him when he lost his job. - bad consequences: ill effects Despite eating the fish, I didn't suffer any ill effects. -