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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

see also LOOK FOR
※—† finding what you have lost
- to get back sth that you have lost: find* sth
I've looked everywhere for that key but I can't find it anywhere.
- to notice sth that you have been looking for: see* sth
I'd been looking for my glasses for ages when I finally saw them under the sofa.
- to be found: turn up
'I can't find that book anywhere!' 'Don't worry, I'm sure it will turn up somewhere soon.'
※—† difficult to find
- to put sth in a place where you think people will not be able to find it: hide* sth
I've hidden the children's Christmas presents under the bed.
- to go to a place where you think people will not be able to find you: hide*
She hid behind the door and listened to their conversation.
※ more on hiding HIDE
※—† finding sth that you need
- to get sth that you want, especially after making an effort to look for it: find* sth
Guess what! I've found a job! Did you manage to find a good hotel?
- to find sth that will be useful: get* hold of sth
If you can get hold of a ladder, you'll make things much easier for yourself.
※—† finding sth by chance
- to find sth by chance: find* sth, come* across sth, discover sth; noun (C/U): discovery
I came across these old photos when I was cleaning yesterday. Look what I discovered when I was clearing out the attic! A little while later we made another exciting discovery.
- to discover sb as they are doing sth bad: catch* sb (doing sth), catch* sb red-handed
I caught her stealing money from my purse.
※—† finding information
- to get some information by asking or studying: find* (sth) out
'Do you know that man's name?' 'No, but I can find out for you.' I'm trying to find out how much it costs.
- to find or learn sth which nobody knew or had found before, or which you did not know before: discover sth; noun (C/U): discovery
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient civilization. They think they may have discovered a new cure for cancer. to make a discovery the discovery of America
- a person who discovers sth: discoverer
the discoverer of penicillin
※ studying to find things out STUDY
- to travel round a place in order to find out about it: explore (a place); noun (C/U): exploration
a rocket that is exploring space Let's go out and explore. We decided to make another exploration of the house. a journey of exploration
- a person who explores places: explorer
- a long journey that you make in order to discover sth: expedition

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