1. the event of something ending (Freq. 1) - it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill • Syn: stop • Derivationally related forms: stop (for: stop) • Hypernyms: ending, conclusion, finish • Hyponyms: cessation, surcease, stand, standstill, tie-up 2. an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement (Freq. 1) - a halt in the arms race - a nuclear freeze • Syn: freeze • Derivationally related forms: freeze (for: freeze) • Hypernyms: pause 3. the state of inactivity following an interruption (Freq. 1) - the negotiations were in arrest - held them in check - during the halt he got some lunch - the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow - he spent the entire stop in his seat • Syn: arrest, check, hitch, stay, stop, stoppage • Derivationally related forms: stop (for: stoppage), stop (for: stop), check (for: check) • Hypernyms: inaction, inactivity, inactiveness • Hyponyms: countercheck, logjam
1. cause to stop (Freq. 8) - Halt the engines - Arrest the progress - halt the presses • Syn: hold, arrest • Derivationally related forms: arrester (for: arrest), hold (for: hold) • Hypernyms: stop • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something - They halt the animals 2. come to a halt, stop moving (Freq. 7) - the car stopped - She stopped in front of a store window • Syn: stop • Ant: start (for: stop) • Derivationally related forms: stop (for: stop) • Hyponyms: go off, pull up short, check, rein, rein in, rein in, conk, draw up, pull up, haul up, brake, settle • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Somebody ----s - These cars won't halt - They halt the animals 3. stop from happening or developing (Freq. 4) - Block his election - Halt the process • Syn: stop, block, kibosh • Derivationally related forms: blockage (for: block), stop (for: stop) • Hypernyms: prevent, forestall, foreclose, preclude, forbid • Hyponyms: embargo, stay • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something 4. stop the flow of a liquid - staunch the blood flow - stem the tide • Syn: stem, stanch, staunch • Hypernyms: check • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something
disabled in the feet or legs - a crippled soldier - a game leg • Syn: crippled, halting, lame, gimpy, game • Similar to: unfit • Derivationally related forms: gameness (for: game), gimpiness (for: gimpy), lameness (for: lame)