Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 varieties of language 2 systems of language 3 using and studying languages communicating your meaning in language SAY spoken language SPEAK, CONVERSATION written language WRITE
1 varieties of language - the system of spoken or written signs that enables people to communicate: language (noun U) What distinguishes human language from animal communication systems? ◎ the spoken/written language - a particular system of spoken or written signs understood by a group of people: language How many languages do you speak? ◎ to learn a language - connected with language: linguistic; the study of language: linguistics (noun U) linguistic abilities/skills ◎ linguistic minorities - a form of a language that is spoken by people from a particular region: dialect (noun C/U) the Yorkshire dialect ◎ a poem written in dialect - a variety of a language that people generally accept as normal and correct: standard language (noun C/U) - the language that you learn to speak first: mother tongue, first language - a language that belongs to a country that is not your own: foreign language - a language that is used in your country but is not your first language: second language - a language that is used by deaf people, and consists of movements of the body, especially the hand: sign language (noun C/U) - the way in which people from a particular region pronounce the words in their language: accent He has such a strong accent; I can hardly understand what he's saying! ◎ to speak with an American accent - a way of using language which is suitable to a particular situation or purpose: style (noun C/U); relating to style: stylistic (adverb stylistically) a book written in a comic style ◎ a poetic style of language - used in writing and in serious situations: formal Your letter to the bank manager needs to be more formal than that. - used in speaking and in ordinary everyday situations: informal, colloquial a colloquial expression - used in poetry and similar written language: literary - used to speak or write in an expert way about how things work or are made: technical the technical language used in a computer magazine - very informal words, often used by a particular group: slang (noun U) 'The nick' is slang for police station. ◎ a slang expression - language that is rude and unpleasant: bad language (noun U) to use bad language - to use rude and unpleasant language: swear Don't swear in front of your grandmother! - a rude and unpleasant word: swear word - a rude word which refers to sex: four-letter word, obscenity When I arrived he was standing in the middle of the road shouting obscenities at the other driver.
2 systems of language - the way in which sounds are made in a language: pronunciation (noun C/U) I can write French quite well, but I find the pronunciation difficult. - the way that your voice rises and falls when you speak: intonation (noun U) ※ more on pronunciation SPEAK - a written or printed sign that represents a sound and which forms a word or part of a word: letter - to say or write the letters of a word: spell (sth) ※ the sounds and spelling of words WORD, LETTER - the way in which words, sentences, etc are formed and used in a language: grammar (noun U); adjective: grammatical English grammar ◎ a grammar book ◎ grammatical mistakes ※ more on grammar GRAMMAR - the marks that you use to divide up sentences and show meaning in writing: punctuation (noun U) - one of the signs which you use to divide up sentences or to show meaning in writing: punctuation mark ※ more on punctuation PUNCTUATION - a sound or letter, or a group of sounds or letters, with a particular meaning: word - a number of words that go together to express a particular meaning (for example 'as a matter of fact', 'with all due respect', 'blue with cold'): expression - an expression with a meaning that you cannot guess from the meanings of the individual words: idiom The idiom 'to go up the wall' means to become extremely angry. - a phrase that people say in order to give advice: saying 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' is a saying which means 'Don't depend too much on one thing, because if you lose it, you'll lose everything'. - a phrase or idea which has been used so often that it has lost its meaning or interest: cliché Do you believe the old cliché that travel broadens the mind? ※ more on words and expressions WORD - the relationship between a word, phrase, sentence, etc and the thing or idea it represents: meaning (noun U/C) - the words that come before or after a word, sentence, etc and that help you to understand its meaning; the situation in which a word is used: context (noun C/U) This sentence doesn't make sense unless you look at the context. ◎ Some words have different meanings depending on the context. ※ more on meaning MEANING
3 using and studying languages - to be able to use a particular language: speak* a language Does she speak German? - able to speak two languages equally well: bilingual a bilingual secretary - able to speak or write a language well: fluent (in sth) (adverb fluently) She's fluent in Italian. ◎ He speaks Russian fluently. - to use a particular language on a certain occasion: talk/speak* (in) a language They were talking in Chinese so I didn't understand them. ◎ Let's speak French. - to change what sb has said or written into another language: translate (sth) (from sth) (into sth); noun (C/U): translation Could you help me translate this letter into Italian please? ◎ I've got to do this translation for my class on Thursday. - a person who translates: translator - a person who translates what sb says into another language: interpreter - a book that contains lists of words and their meanings or words with the same or similar meaning in another language: dictionary I'll look it up in the dictionary. - a book of useful expressions that you may need to use when you go to a foreign country, with translations into another language and help with pronunciation: phrase book - a book written about the grammar of a language: grammar - a person who studies languages or who is able to speak several languages: linguist - the study of the science of languages: linguistics (noun U)
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