Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also VISIT - to come together by chance or because you have arranged it: meet* (sb) Where shall we meet for lunch? - an act or occasion of meeting sb: meeting an unexpected meeting ◎ an uncomfortable meeting ※ more on meetings MEETING - the first words you say (for example 'Hello' or 'Hi') when you meet sb: greeting to give sb a friendly greeting ※ more on greetings GREET - to visit or meet a person often: see* a lot of sb; opposite: not see* much of sb We used to see a lot of them when we lived in Glasgow. ◎ We don't see much of Mark these days. - to visit or meet a person more/less often: see* (a lot) less/more of sb ※ meeting sb for the first time - to see and talk to sb for the first time: meet* (sb) I first met my future husband at a horse race. ◎ Where did you two first meet? - to tell two or more people who have not met before what each other's names are: introduce sb (to sb); noun: introduction Have you two been introduced? ◎ Pauline - I'd like to introduce you to Andrew from the graphics department. ◎ Shall I make the introductions? - to get to know sb (especially by being introduced): (formal) make* sb's acquaintance - the greeting which you use when you are formally introduced to sb: How do you do? (usually the reply is the same: How do you do?) ※ meeting sb by arrangement - to plan to meet sb at a particular time and place: meet* (sb), see* sb, join sb (for sth) We arranged to meet outside the cinema. ◎ I promised to meet the children at the station at half past eight. ◎ I'll see you later in the cafeteria. ◎ Would you like to join us for dinner this evening? - to meet socially or in order to discuss or do sth: get* together (with sb); a social meeting of family or friends: get-together Let's get together one evening and plan the holidays. ◎ to have a family get-together - to meet sb after first separating and doing different things: meet* up (with sb) If you go to the bank, then I'll park the car and we can meet up in the shopping centre in half an hour. - a place where people meet: meeting place, (formal) rendezvous I went to our usual meeting place, but she wasn't there. ◎ Our rendezvous will be the hotel foyer. - a formal arrangement to meet sb at a particular time: appointment (with sb) I've got an appointment with the dentist at half past three. ◎ to make/cancel an appointment - an appointment to meet sb (especially a girlfriend or boyfriend): date I've got a date with Kevin tonight. ※ meeting sb by chance - to come together with sb by chance: run* across/into sb, meet* (sb) (by chance), (informal) bump into sb I ran into Paul at the bus stop. ◎ We met again quite by chance at the England-France rugby international. ◎ I bumped into an old friend today. - to meet sb unexpectedly, coming close to them and looking at them: come* face to face (with sb) I ran indoors and came face to face with a burglar. - to meet sb unexpectedly: come* across sb, (formal) encounter sb Coming out of the Underground station, I encountered a tramp. - an unexpected (and often unpleasant) meeting: encounter I had an awkward encounter with my boss today.
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