straight lines LINE - something which goes or extends continuously in one direction only, is straight a straight line ◎ straight hair ◎ a straight road - to become straight: straighten (out); to make sth straight: straighten sth (out) After a series of bends, the road straightens out. ◎ to straighten your hair - in the correct position or in a straight line: straight (adjective, adverb) Look at that wall. Do you think it's quite straight? ◎ That picture's not quite straight. ◎ Stand up straight! (= with a straight back) He couldn't walk straight. - standing vertically: upright (adjective, adverb) in an upright position ◎ to stand upright ※ not straight - to make sth that was straight into a curved shape: bend* sth She bent her knees. - to be or become curved: bend*; adjective: bent The branch he was on began to bend, but it did not break. ◎ a bent fork - bent so that it is not straight or level; not in the correct position: crooked crooked teeth ◎ 'Is my hat on straight?' 'No, it's a bit crooked.' - a part of a road, river, etc that is not straight: bend The car came around the bend very fast. ◎ a bend in the river ◎ a sharp bend in the road - a line that bends round, gradually changing direction: curve; to have the shape of a curve: curve; adjective: curved the curves of a person's body ◎ the curve of the hill ◎ a gentle/smooth curve ◎ The road curved gently to the right. ◎ a curved line - a turn or bend in sth that should be straight: kink This wire is supposed to be straight but there's a kink in the middle. - to curve down in the middle under the weight of sth: sag The mattress is beginning to sag. - to become bent and out of shape, for example because of heat: warp The door had become warped and wouldn't shut easily. - to bend because of heat, force, weakness, etc: buckle My bike hit a pothole and the front wheel buckled. - to bend and break or fall down because of pressure or force: give* way The bench gave way under the weight of all the people. ※ able to bend - able to bend easily without breaking: flexible; noun (U): flexibility a flexible pipe - not easy to bend, or impossible to bend: inflexible, rigid; nouns (U): inflexibility, rigidity safety helmets made from rigid plastic ※ not upright - to be in a position that is not straight or upright: lean; to cause sth to be in this kind of position: lean sth The tree was old and had begun to lean to one side. ◎ You can lean the bike against the wall. - to lean in a particular direction: slant Her writing slants backwards.