Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 different kinds of tax 2 paying taxes 3 collection of taxes by the government see also GOVERNMENT, PAY
1 different kinds of tax - the money you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services: tax (noun C/U) a new tax on fuel ◎ How much tax do you pay? - a tax (in Britain and Europe) which is paid on goods and services which are bought and sold: VAT (value added tax) (noun U) Does the price of this computer include VAT? - a tax paid on goods imported into a country: customs duty (noun C/U), import duty (noun C/U) We had to pay ※£1 000 duty on the car we imported from Germany. - a tax that you pay on the money that you earn: income tax (noun U) - a tax (in Britain) that you pay to your local council for local services: council tax (noun U) - a tax (in Britain) that working people and their employers pay so that the government can help people who are ill, unemployed, retired, etc: National Insurance (noun U)
2 paying taxes - if sth can be taxed, it is taxable Only half my income is taxable. - the amount of tax (%) that has to be paid: rate In Britain, the higher rate of income tax is 40%. - if you do not pay tax on sth, it is tax-free, duty-free I bought these cigarettes at the airport duty-free shop. - a person who pays tax: taxpayer - to give information about goods or income on which you have to pay tax: declare sth You must declare all your income for the year. - a statement to the government's tax department about your income: tax return I haven't completed my tax return for this financial year yet. - money which is taken away from the total amount that you earn is deducted; the amount that is taken away: deduction (from sth) How much have they deducted for tax? ◎ I have very little of my wages left after deductions. - if you are employed, the main way of paying income tax is by PAYE (Pay As You Earn) - your income before tax is your pre-tax income - avoiding paying tax, usually illegally: tax evasion (noun U)
3 collection of taxes by the government - the system by which a government takes money from people so that it can pay for services: taxation (noun U) direct/indirect taxation ◎ high/low taxation ◎ The government promised to reduce taxation but now says it is going to increase it. - to raise money through taxation: tax sth Luxury goods are taxed very highly. - to make a new tax: impose a tax (on sb/sth); noun (U): imposition Many people have complained about the imposition of VAT on books. - (in Britain) a government department which collects taxes: the Inland Revenue - the period of twelve months for which taxes are calculated: financial year In Britain the financial year begins in April.
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