Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 development 2 lack of development see also CHANGE, GROW
1 development - to grow slowly or change into sth else: develop (from sth) (into sth); noun (U): development We have developed from a small firm into a large multinational company. ◎ the development of tourism - to develop naturally and gradually: (formal) evolve; noun (U): evolution His ideas on adult education evolved over a very long period. ◎ the evolution of man - to become sth: grow* (from sth) (into sth); noun (U): growth to grow from a caterpillar into a butterfly - to develop and improve: progress, come* along; noun (U): progress 'How's your work going?' 'It's progressing slowly.' ◎ The project's coming along quite well now. ◎ I've not been able to make much progress with my work today. ◎ social progress - a change which speeds up the development of sth: a step forward a big step forward in the search for a cure for cancer - to cause sth to develop: develop sth; adjective: developed Start by stating your opinion, then develop your argument. ◎ a fully developed plan - fully developed (either emotionally or physically): mature; noun (U): maturity She's very mature for her age. - highly developed: advanced advanced technology ◎ an economically advanced country - to develop sth so that it becomes bigger in size, number or importance: build* sth up We're trying to build up our workforce. - to use sth as a base on which to develop ideas, etc: build* on sth Teachers should build on the knowledge that their students already have. ※ stages in development - the original idea, plan, etc from which sth develops: basis (plural bases) a good basis for further development - a period in the development of sth: stage, step, phase The first stage of development is when the child recognizes its mother's face. ◎ an important step in the transition to a full market economy ◎ We're now moving into the last phase of our plan. - an important development in sth: breakthrough a major breakthrough in cancer research
2 lack of development - not developed: undeveloped undeveloped ideas - below what is normal in development: underdeveloped The children were severely underdeveloped due to a lack of food. - very simple and not developed: primitive the history of primitive man ◎ The facilities were very primitive - there were no showers or baths. - (used about countries and areas) poor and with little industry: underdeveloped; opposite: developed a shift of resources from developed to underdeveloped countries - the state of being underdeveloped: underdevelopment problems of undervelopment - trying to have more industry and a more advanced economic system: developing the developing nations - slow to learn or develop: backward a backward child who took a long time to learn to walk and talk - not yet fully developed (either emotionally or physically): immature; noun (U): immaturity He's too immature to get married - I think they should both wait until they're older. - to fail to develop or to make sth develop: make* no progress, not get* anywhere (with sth) We soon saw that we were making no progress so we decided to change our approach. ◎ I'm getting absolutely nowhere in this job! - to stop sth from developing for a time: set* sb/sth back; noun: setback The computer failure has really set us back - we won't be finished until next week now. ◎ Their plans suffered a setback.
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