Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also ENTERTAINMENT - the power that seems to make extraordinary or impossible things happen: magic (noun U); adjectives: magic, magical a story full of magic and mystery ◎ The book disappeared as if by magic. ◎ black magic (= a type of magic that is used to do bad things) a magic spell ◎ magical powers - a state or condition caused by magic; the words used to cause this: spell The princess was put under a spell and couldn't speak. ◎ a book of spells ◎ to cast a spell on sb - the use of magic to do bad things: witchcraft (noun U) - a man with magical powers: magician, wizard Merlin was a famous magician. ◎ the wicked wizard - a woman with magical powers: witch - a small creature in stories with magical powers: fairy a fairy story - if you think that magic, ghosts etc are real you are superstitious; a particular belief of this sort: superstition; the tendency to be superstitious: superstition (noun U) She'll never walk under a ladder - she's very superstitious. ◎ The people here have a lot of very unusual superstitions.
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