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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 different kinds of relationship
2 having relationships
3 personal qualities in relationships
4 the end of a relationship

1 different kinds of relationship
- the way that individual people and groups of people feel about each other and behave towards each other: relationship, relations (noun plural)
The teachers have a good relationship with the students. My colleagues and I have a good working relationship. diplomatic relations between France and Germany business relations
- a person that you know and like (not a member of your family): friend; opposite: enemy
my best friend his worst enemy
- a person that you enjoy spending time with: companion; being with a person: company (noun U); the enjoyment of being with a person: companionship (noun U)
inseparable companions He's great company (= a nice person to spend time with). She's all on her own; she needs some companionship.
- a person that you know but who is not a close friend: acquaintance
- a person that you work with: colleague
one of my colleagues at work
※ more on friends and enemies FRIEND, ENEMY
※—† describing a relationship
- when a relationship is good, it goes well, it is strong; not good: bad, poor
It looks as if their relationship is going well. Unfortunately, she has a very poor working relationship with her boss.
- a relationship which is important and special is serious; opposite: casual
It's just a casual relationship - I don't want it to get serious. a casual acquaintance
- a relationship between people who know each other well and like or love each other a lot is close
We're not as close as we used to be.
- when two people know each other very well and/or spend time physically close to each other, their relationship is intimate; noun (U): intimacy
intimate friends

2 having relationships
- if you have seen and/or spoken to sb before, you know* them, you have met them, they are familiar (to you), (formal) you are acquainted with them
'Do you two know each other?' 'Yes, we've met once before at a party.' He looks very familiar, but I can't remember his name.
- to have a good friendly relationship with sb: get* on/along (with sb)
We're getting along quite well at the moment. to get on well together I don't get on with him.
- to get on very well with sb: hit* it off (with sb)
We met last night for the first time and we really hit it off.
- to be in a good and friendly relationship with sb: be on good terms (with sb)
We're not on very good terms with each other at the moment.
- to be able to understand how sb feels; to have a good relationship with sb: relate to sb
He's a nice person but I just can't relate to him.
- if you have the right character or personality to be friends with sb, you are compatible (with sb); opposite: incompatible
I really fancy him, but we're just not compatible - we like totally different things.
※—† getting to know sb
- to tell two or more people who have not met before what each others' names are so that they can get to know each other: introduce sb (to sb)
Can you introduce me to your colleague? I'd like to introduce myself - my name's Carol.
- to be introduced to sb for the first time: meet* sb
Come and meet my husband.
- to spend time with a person in order to know them better: get* to know sb, (formal) get* acquainted (with sb)
I'd like to get to know him better. to get better acquainted
- to become a friend of sb's: make* friends (with sb)
I haven't been here long but I've already made a few friends.
※ meeting people MEET

3 personal qualities in relationships
- a person who likes spending time with other people gets* on well with people, is sociable, outgoing; opposites: unsociable, antisocial
She's very popular and seems to get on well with everyone. an outgoing personality
- a person who tries to be kind and pleasant to people is friendly (to/towards sb); opposite: unfriendly (to/towards sb)
She seems quite friendly. You could try and be a bit more friendly towards her - she's really very nice.
- a person you feel able to talk to or able to get to know is approachable; opposite: unapproachable
You should try and talk to him - he's very approachable.
- a person who is very honest and is able to talk about himself/herself and his/her feelings is open
a very open individual She was very open with me about her personal life.
※ kind and friendly KIND/CRUEL
- a person who is honest and does not change in their friendships is loyal (to sb), faithful (to sb); noun (U): loyalty
a loyal colleague/employee a faithful wife/husband
- if you know that sb will always do what they say they will do, you can rely on them, they are reliable, trustworthy
He's a very good friend - I know I can always rely on him. You can tell her, she's trustworthy.
- if you are not an honest friend and you change in your relationships, you are disloyal, unfaithful; nouns (U): disloyalty, unfaithfulness
- to be disloyal to sb: betray sb
When I found out he was seeing somebody else, I felt completely betrayed.
- if you do not give sb the help they expect or you do not do what you promised to do, you let* sb down
She said she'd come, but she's let me down again.
※ more on being trustworthy TRUST
- to make sb think or believe sth that is not true: deceive sb; noun (U): deceit; adjective: deceitful
It was very deceitful of you to go out with him without telling me.
- to do sth to a person or to say sth about them without them knowing this: do*/say* sth behind sb's back
Somebody's been saying things about me behind my back.
※ more on deceiving people DECEIVE

4 the end of a relationship
- to change your feelings and decide that you do not like sb: turn against sb; to make another person dislike sb: turn sb against sb
She hated me and turned her children against me as well.
- to refuse to speak to sb, or to behave as if they do not exist: ignore sb
I saw him today but he just ignored me.
- to stop being friends with sb: turn your back (on sb)
You can't turn your back on her now - she needs you more than ever.
- when a relationship ends it is over, finished, you are through (with sb)
We're through - I can't live with you any longer.
- to end a relationship: finish (with sb), break* up (with sb), split* up (with sb)
They decided to split up because the relationship just wasn't working. I finished with him last night.
- to end a relationship and leave sb: leave* sb, (informal) ditch sb, (informal) dump sb
I'm leaving you. Did you know that she's dumped her boyfriend?
- to leave sb because you want to be with another person: leave*/ditch sb (for sb)
She ditched me for that rich guy with a Porsche.
- to leave sb suddenly and go away with another person: run* off with sb, go* off with sb
Apparently, she ran off with her best friend's husband.
※—† starting a relationship again
- to decide to work with sb or be friends with sb again: get* back together (with sb), (formal) be reconciled (with sb); noun (U): reconciliation
They've finally got back together again after three years apart.

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