Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

ban [ban bans banned banning] verb, noun BrE [bæn] NAmE [bæn]
verb (-nn-)
1. ~ sth to decide or say officially that sth is not allowed
Syn: prohibit
Chemical weapons are banned internationally.
a campaign to ban smoking in public places
2. usually passive to order sb not to do sth, go somewhere, etc, especially officially
~ sb from sth He was banned from the meeting.
~ sb from doing sth She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.
• (BrE)He was banned from driving for six months.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Old English bannan ‘summon by a public proclamation’, of Germanic origin, reinforced by Old Norse banna ‘curse, prohibit’; the noun is partly from Old French ban ‘proclamation, summons, banishment’.

ban verb T
plans to ban smoking in public places
He was banned from the meeting.
forbid • • outlaw • • bar • • exclude • • expel • • keep sb/sth out • • shut sb/sth out • • blacklist • |formal prohibit
Opp: permit
ban/bar/exclude/expel/prohibit sb from sth
ban/forbid/bar/prohibit sb from doing sth
ban/forbid/outlaw/prohibit the practice/use/sale of sth

Example Bank:
Congress has voted to ban online gambling.
He has been banned from driving for a year.
MPs voted to ban hunting with dogs.
The weightlifter was banned from the Olympics for failing a drugs test.
a move to ban cigarette adverts
a move to ban tobacco advertising
He claimed that the government had tried to ban the book.
She's been banned from leaving the country while the allegations are investigated.
The sprinter has been banned for life after failing a drugs test.
There are plans to ban smoking in public places.
Trade in tiger products is banned under the convention.

noun ~ (on sth)
an official rule that says that sth is not allowed
There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.
to impose/lift a ban

Word Origin:
Old English bannan ‘summon by a public proclamation’, of Germanic origin, reinforced by Old Norse banna ‘curse, prohibit’; the noun is partly from Old French ban ‘proclamation, summons, banishment’.

ban noun C
a total ban on smoking in the office
embargo • • veto • • moratorium • • boycott • • taboo • |formal prohibition
a/an ban/embargo/veto/moratorium/boycott/taboo/prohibition on sth
a/an ban/embargo/veto/taboo/prohibition against sb/sth
impose a ban/embargo/veto/moratorium/boycott/prohibition
lift a ban/embargo/veto/boycott/prohibition

Example Bank:
The ban on exports has now been eased.
The ban only covers tropical hardwood.
The ban will affect all public and work premises.
The students took to the streets, defying a ban on political gatherings.
They have imposed a ban on the import of seal skins.
a ban on smoking in public places
a ban on traffic in the town centre
a blanket advertising ban on tobacco
a nuclear test ban treaty
He faces a possible life ban from international football.
Hopes are growing for a lifting of the import ban.
She was given a five-year driving ban.
The EU has imposed a blanket ban on tobacco advertising.
The sprinter received a lengthy ban for failing a drugs test.


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