1. the waging of armed conflict against an enemy (Freq. 78) - thousands of people were killed in the war • Syn: warfare • Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine • Members of this Topic: de-escalation, side, plunderer, pillager, looter, spoiler, despoiler, raider, freebooter, state of war • Hypernyms: military action, action • Hyponyms: limited war, psychological warfare, war of nerves, civil war, chemical warfare, chemical operations, biological warfare, BW, biological attack, biologic attack, bioattack, bioattack, IW, jihad, jehad, international jihad, world war, hot war • Instance Hyponyms: Chino-Japanese War, Sino-Japanese War, Macedonian War, Arab-Israeli War, Six-Day War, Six Day War, Yom Kippur War, Balkan Wars, Boer War, Crimean War, Franco-Prussian War, French and Indian War, Hundred Years' War, Iran-Iraq War, Gulf War, Korean War, Mexican War, Napoleonic Wars, Peloponnesian War, Persian Gulf War, Punic War, Russo-Japanese War, Seven Years' War, Spanish-American War, Spanish War, Thirty Years' War, Trojan War, Vietnam War, Vietnam, War of Greek Independence, War of the Austrian Succession, War of the Grand Alliance, War of the League of Augsburg, War of the Spanish Succession, War of the Roses, Wars of the Roses, War of 1812 • Part Meronyms: battle, conflict, fight, engagement, combat, armed combat, aggression 2. a legal state created by a declaration of war and ended by official declaration during which the international rules of war apply (Freq. 27) - war was declared in November but actual fighting did not begin until the following spring • Syn: state of war • Ant: peace • Topics: warfare • Hypernyms: hostility, enmity, antagonism • Hyponyms: proxy war 3. an active struggle between competing entities (Freq. 1) - a price war - a war of wits - diplomatic warfare • Syn: warfare • Hypernyms: conflict, struggle, battle • Hyponyms: drug war, trench warfare 4. a concerted campaign to end something that is injurious - the war on poverty - the war against crime • Hypernyms: campaign, cause, crusade, drive, movement, effort
make or wage war • Ant: make peace • Derivationally related forms: warrior • Hypernyms: contend, fight, struggle • Hyponyms: blitzkrieg, go to war, take arms, take up arms • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP