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1 different ways of knowing sth
2 knowing a particular subject
3 having a skill
4 knowing a person
5 getting knowledge
see also

1 different ways of knowing sth
- to have information, facts, etc in your mind: know* (sth), know* (that) ※€¦
Do you know her address? 'It's getting late.' 'I know. I won't be long.' I had been there before so I knew what to expect. They didn't know that I had given him some money.
- to have information about sth: know* about sth
The police know all about his involvement in the crime. She knows a lot about modern jazz.
- to have heard of sb/sth: know* of sb/sth
I know of one student who attended all the courses.
※—† recognizing and identifying
- to know again sb or sth that you have seen or heard before: recognize sb/sth
She'd lost so much weight that I nearly didn't recognize her.
- able to be recognized: recognizable; opposite: unrecognizable
an easily recognizable tune/voice Those glasses make you almost unrecognizable.
- to say who or what sb/sth is: identify sb/sth
They asked him to identify the body. Can you identify this song?
- to know the difference between two things: tell* (sb/sth from sb/sth), tell* sb/sth apart
It's almost impossible to tell the twins apart.
※—† realizing
- to know and understand that sth is true: realize (that) ※€¦, be, become, etc aware/conscious (of sth/that ※€¦)
Do you realize that we've missed the last bus? He was aware of all the dangers before he started the journey. Were you aware that you were breaking the law? I became conscious of the policeman looking at me.
- not aware: unaware
She seemed unaware of all the trouble she had caused.
- the knowledge that people have about certain problems or topics of general interest: awareness (noun U)
He's trying to raise people's awareness of the dangers of passive smoking.
※—† knowing sth quite well
- if you have a good knowledge of sth, you are familiar with it, it is familiar (to you); being familiar with sth: familiarity (with sth) (noun U)
I'm not familiar with all her novels. His face looks familiar. Is this name familiar to you? He was able to escape from the fire because of his familiarity with the building.
- when you have become familiar with sth, you are used to it
I shall never get used to this new timetable.
- if you do not have a good knowledge of sth, you are unfamiliar with it, it is unfamiliar (to you); not being familiar with sth: unfamiliarity (with sth) (noun U)
She seemed quite unfamiliar with the procedure for getting a visa. an unfamiliar part of the town
- if you have not become familiar with sth, you are new to it
You should try to help him - he's still new to the job.
- not seen, met, visited, etc before: strange
I rang my friend's number, but a strange voice answered the telephone. Don't talk to strange people in the street.
※—† being well-known
- a person, place, etc that is known by a lot of people is well-known, famous; being well-known: fame (noun U)
a well-known politician famous works of art
- known by many people: public
The news was not made public until yesterday.
- if sth is known by many people, it is public/common knowledge (noun U)
※ more on being famous FAMOUS
※—† knowing about the future
- to know or guess that sth is going to happen in the future: foresee* sth; the ability to foresee sth: foresight (noun U)
Nobody could have foreseen that disaster. With a bit of foresight, they could have avoided that problem.
※ more on the future FUTURE

2 knowing a particular subject
- information about a topic: knowledge (noun U/singular)
How's your knowledge of Greek history? to have a good knowledge of a subject
- if you have a lot of knowledge about a subject, you are knowledgeable (about sth), well-informed (about sth)
She seems very knowledgeable about animals. a well-informed group of visitors
- if you have little or no knowledge about sth, you are ignorant (of/about sth); noun (U): ignorance (of sth)
I'm completely ignorant about computers. His ignorance of the rules is astonishing.
- a person who has special knowledge of a topic: expert (on/in sth)
an expert on international terrorism a computer expert
- a subject that you know a lot about is your speciality, specialism
His speciality is modern American literature.
- knowledge of many things which you get from ordinary life rather than special study: general knowledge (noun U)
Here's a test of your general knowledge!

3 having a skill
- an ability that you need in order to do a job or perform an activity: skill (often plural)
She has excellent interpersonal skills.
- the ability to do sth well: skill (in/at sth/doing sth) (noun U); having skill: skilled (in/at sth)
You need a lot of skill to do this well. a skilled gardener
- knowledge or skill that you get from seeing or doing sth: experience (in/of sth) (noun U)
to learn by experience to know sth from experience How many years' experience of teaching do you have?
- if you have knowledge of sth or skill in sth because you have done it often before, you are experienced (in/at sth)
an experienced teacher/counsellor Are you experienced at looking after children?
- special knowledge or skill: expertise (noun U), (informal) know-how (noun U)
I don't have much expertise in dealing with computers. They have the know-how to produce nuclear weapons.
※ more on skill SKILL
- knowing a language LANGUAGE

4 knowing a person
- to have met or seen sb before: know* sb
'Do you know Bob?' 'No, I don't think we've met.'
- to know sb, but not very well: (formal) be acquainted (with sb)
Are you two acquainted? He is acquainted with several government ministers.
- to have seen sb before but not to have talked to them: know* sb by sight
I only know the director by sight.
- to have heard about sb but not to have met them: know* sb by name
I've never been to the Institute though I know some of the staff by name.
- a person you have known for a long time is an old friend or acquaintance
- a person that you do not know: stranger

5 getting knowledge
- to get knowledge or skill: learn (sth), learn (how) to do sth, learn about sth
We learnt very little science at school. I'm learning to play the piano.
- to come to know sth, especially for the first time: find* sth out, find* out about sth, discover sth; what you discover: discovery
I've found out where the party's going to be. We didn't find out about the burglary until we got back from holiday. He discovered the truth about his parents' marriage. I made a shocking discovery.
- to know sth by doing or seeing it: experience sth, see* sth
They experienced rock-climbing for the first time. We saw the effects of prompt treatment of the disease.
※ more on learning LEARN
※—† wanting to get knowledge
- if you want to know or learn as much as possible about sth, you are interested (in sth), curious (about sth); the quality of being interested: interest (noun U/singular), curiosity (noun U)
She's very interested in the new project. I was full of curiosity about what was in the letter.
- asking a lot of questions, especially about what other people are doing: inquisitive; noun (U): inquisitiveness
Don't be so inquisitive - it's got nothing to do with you. an inquisitive child
- too interested in finding out other people's affairs: (informal) nosy
I hope you don't think I'm being nosy asking you all these questions.
※ more on being interested in sth INTERESTING
※—† MORE ...
- to know nothing about sth: (informal) not have a clue
I'm afraid I don't have a clue what you're talking about!
- if you do not know about sth that other people know about, you are (informal) in the dark
Don't keep me in the dark - are you getting married or not?
- as far as I know about sth (although I may be wrong): to the best of my belief/knowledge
To the best of my knowledge, she has never been to China.
- from my own (limited) information: for all I know
For all I know, he may be an alien from Mars!
- I don't know: (informal) search me!
- the feeling or understanding that makes you believe or know sth without any reason or proof: intuition (noun C/U); adjective: intuitive (adverb intuitively)
to have an intuition about sth to know sth by intuition an intuitive understanding of the needs of young children

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