Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 being polite 2 not being polite see also BEHAVIOUR
1 being polite - if you act and speak in a way that is helpful and thoughtful towards other people, you are polite (adverb politely), (formal) courteous (adverb courteously); nouns (U): politeness, courtesy It's polite to say 'please' and 'thank you'. ◎ a very polite child ◎ 'How very kind of you,' he replied courteously. ◎ She didn't even have the courtesy to say she was sorry. - to treat sb in a polite way: show respect to sb/sth You should show more respect to your grandmother. - the way in which a person acts or behaves: behaviour (AmE behavior); the way of behaving that is thought to be polite in a particular society or culture: manners (noun plural) His behaviour is dreadful. ◎ good/bad manners ◎ It's bad manners to stare at people. - a person who has good manners and behaves in a polite way is well-behaved, (rather formal) well-mannered well-behaved children - the way you talk or behave on an official occasion or when you do not know the other people well is formal a formal speech ◎ a formal letter of complaint - the skill of saying and doing the right thing so that people are not offended or upset: tact (noun U), diplomacy (noun U) Being a social worker requires a lot of tact. - if you behave with tact, you are tactful (adverb tactfully), diplomatic (adverb diplomatically) You'll have to break the news to her very tactfully. ◎ I tried to be diplomatic, but in the end I couldn't help losing my temper. - the word for making a request or order more polite: please Please could you tell me the way to the station? ◎ Pass the jam, please.
2 not being polite - not polite: rude (adverb rudely), impolite (adverb impolitely), discourteous; nouns (U): rudeness, discourtesy It's rude to stare at someone like that. ◎ I'd like to apologize for my rudeness. - a person who has bad manners and behaves in a rude way is badly behaved, (rather formal) ill-mannered I've never seen such badly behaved children. - rude, not showing proper respect to sb/sth: cheeky (adverb cheekily); rude behaviour: cheek (noun U), nerve (noun U), disrespect (noun U) Don't be so cheeky! ◎ 'Why don't you do it yourself?' he replied cheekily. ◎ She had the nerve to tell me she didn't need me any more. ◎ You've got a lot of nerve talking to me like that! ◎ I'm sorry - I didn't mean any disrespect. - rude and unpleasant: insolent; noun (U): insolence insolent behaviour - to speak to sb in a rude way: insult sb; a rude thing that sb says: insult ※ more on insults INSULT - if you say exactly what you think without being polite or tactful, you are blunt (adverb bluntly), tactless (adverb tactlessly); nouns (U): bluntness, tactlessness It was very tactless of you to tell her she'd put on weight. ◎ She told me quite bluntly that I would have to leave. - rude and unfriendly, not interested in sb/sth: offhand She was very offhand with us - she was obviously thinking about something else.
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