Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 wanting sth 2 wanting sth very much 3 not wanting sth see also WILLING
1 wanting sth - to feel that you would like to have sth or do sth: want sth, want (sb) to do sth, (formal) wish (sb) to do sth They want this work done by the weekend. ◎ We want you to come and stay with us. ◎ Do you wish me to forward your letters? - a feeling of wanting sth: wish I've made my wishes clear. ◎ I have no wish to go back to that hospital. ◎ So you've got your wish at last (= what you wanted has happened) . - wanted by many people: desirable a desirable area to live in - to want sth to happen or be true: hope for sth, hope to do sth, hope (that) ※¦ We're hoping for good weather on holiday. ◎ She's hoping to study biology at university. ◎ I really hope I pass my exam! ※ more on hoping HOPE - to like the idea of having or doing sth: feel* like sth/doing sth I feel like an egg for breakfast. ◎ What do you feel like doing today? - to want sth and try hard to get it or do it: be after sth, be out for sth He's after Peter's job. ◎ She's out for whatever she can get. - if you want or need sth, you would like it, (formal) you desire it, (informal) you could do with it Would you like some tea? ◎ They have everything they could possibly desire. ◎ I could do with a drink right now. ※ wishing - to want sth that cannot now happen or that probably will not happen: wish (that) ※¦ I wish I had listened to my father's advice. ◎ I wish I could help you. ◎ She said she wished she were dead. - to wish that sth had not happened: regret sth I regret not saying goodbye to him. - an unlikely event that you very much want to happen: dream My dream is to go and live on a tropical island. - to express a strong wish, you can say if only ※¦ If only I could be there when he comes. - ideas that are based on what you would like, not on reality: wishful thinking (noun U) That's just wishful thinking. ※ wanting what sb else has - to want sth that sb else has: envy sb sth She has always envied him his success. - feeling or showing that you want sth that sb else has: jealous (of sb/sth), envious (of sb/sth); nouns (U): jealousy, envy She's jealous of me because I got the job and she didn't. ◎ I'm very envious of your new computer! ◎ I'm filled with envy every time I see their beautiful house. ◎ to show envy of sb - causing or capable of causing envy: enviable an enviable reputation
2 wanting sth very much - to want sth very much: want sth badly, long for sth, be dying for sth I badly wanted to get out of London and see the countryside. ◎ They're longing for a holiday. ◎ I'm dying for a cigarette. - the feeling of wanting sth very much: desire an overwhelming desire for peace - wanting sth very much: eager (for sth) (adverb eagerly), anxious for sth (adverb anxiously) The students are all eager to finish the course. ◎ Your report is eagerly awaited. ◎ We're anxious to finish the work as soon as possible. - wanting more of sth than you really need: greedy; noun (U): Don't be so greedy! You've had three cakes already! - wanting sth to happen soon: impatient (for sth/to do sth) (adverb impatiently) They're impatient to see the results. ◎ Everyone's impatient for the summer to come. - a strong desire to be successful: ambition (noun U); adjective: ambitious an ambitious politician - a particular thing that you want very much to have or do: ambition My ambition is to go up in a hot air balloon. - if you have decided to succeed in sth you want, you are determined (to do sth); noun (U): determination She was determined to win. - wanting sth very much: desperate (for sth/to do sth) I'm desperate to get out of this place. - a strong desire that you cannot control: compulsion, urge He felt a compulsion to smash everything in sight. ◎ I had an urge to tell him what I thought of him. - caused by a strong desire that you cannot control: compulsive This book makes compulsive reading - you just can't put it down. - unable to stop taking sth (for example a drug) or doing sth: addicted; noun (C/U): addiction Gerry's addicted to fast cars.
3 not wanting sth - not wanting to do sth: unwilling He's unwilling to give us any more money. - not eager or interested: unenthusiastic I offered him my own car in exchange, but he didn't seem very enthusiastic. ※ more on being unwilling WILLING - not wanted: unwanted unwanted Christmas presents - not desirable or pleasant: undesirable This drug has no undesirable side-effects. ※ MORE ... - to do what you want without worrying about other people's opinions: please yourself, do* as you please 'I'm sure my idea is the best one.' 'Okay, please yourself.' ◎ Whatever I tell him, he'll still do as he pleases. - a sudden wish to do sth without thinking of the results: impulse She had an impulse to rush straight out of the room. - a person who does things without thinking of the results is impulsive (adverb impulsively) - the power of the mind to make things happen: will (noun C/U) the will to live - strength of mind: willpower (noun U) It takes a lot of willpower to give up smoking.
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