Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
1 life as a whole 2 the early part of life 3 the middle part of life 4 the later part of life being alive (not dead) LIVE where people live and how they live LIVE see also YOUNG/OLD
1 life as a whole - the period of time when you are alive: life I've had a wonderful life. ◎ He spent his life working for others. - the time that your life lasts: lifetime You must have seen many changes in your lifetime. - lasting your whole life: lifelong (only before a noun) a lifelong ambition ◎ a lifelong friend - all the things you do and the way that you do them: life (noun C/U) to lead a busy life ◎ my professional/private life ◎ life in the country - the manner in which you live: way of life, lifestyle I need to change my way of life - I'm not getting enough exercise. ◎ We have completely different lifestyles. - to spend the time that you are alive in a particular way: live to live quietly/happily - to survive an unpleasant experience: live through sth My grandmother lived through two world wars. - your life before now: past in my past ◎ a man with an unhappy past - your life after now: future a bright future ※ writing about sb's life - the story of a person's life written by that person: autobiography; adjective: autobiographical Her novel is full of autobiographical details. - the story of a person's life written by somebody else: biography; adjective: biographical; the author of a biography: biographer Several biographies have been written of him, but this is the first official one.
2 the early part of life - to come into the world: be born; the time when you are born: birth (noun C/U) When were you born? ◎ before I was born - a very young boy or girl: baby; this period of life: infancy (noun U) ※ more on babies BIRTH, BABY - a young person who is not fully grown: child (plural children); this period of life: childhood (noun C/U) an unhappy childhood - a young person who is growing from a child into an adult: adolescent; this period of life: adolescence (noun U) - a person between 13 and 19 years old: teenager; adjective (only before a noun): teenage; during this time, you are in your teens - to grow from a child into an adult: grow* up - a young adult: young person; this period of life: youth (noun U) the young people of today ◎ a youth club ※ more on children CHILD
3 the middle part of life - a person who is fully grown: adult, (informal) grown-up; adjectives: adult, grown-up - when sb has become an adult, both physically and mentally, they are mature; this period of life: maturity (noun U) - what you do regularly to earn money: job, work (noun U); to do a job to earn money: work to get a job ◎ to have a job ◎ to lose your job ◎ to find work ◎ to be out of work ◎ to work for a living ◎ Who do you work for? - your working life: career Her career is more important to her than her family. ※ work WORK, EMPLOYMENT - to take sb as your husband or wife: marry sb, get* married They got married in 1988. - to begin to lead a responsible life as an adult, especially by staying in the same place, getting married, etc: settle down I would like to get married and settle down soon. - to have your first child: start a family - to look after a child until he/she is an adult and to teach him/her how to behave: bring* sb up, raise sb ※ more on marriage and families MARRY, FAMILY - an adult who is not particularly young or old (between about 40 and 60) is middle-aged; this period of life: middle age (noun U) in late/early middle age
4 the later part of life - a person over 60 or 70 is old, (more formal and polite) elderly; this period of life: old age (noun C/U) an elderly aunt ◎ approaching old age - to stop living: die He died at the age of 74. ◎ to die of heart disease - to live longer than another person: outlive sb She outlived her husband by nearly ten years. ※ more on dying DIE - a person who has stopped work permanently, usually because of reaching a certain age, is retired; to become retired: retire; the time when you retire or the period of life when you are retired: retirement a retired teacher ◎ My father has just retired. ◎ I'm looking forward to a long retirement. - money that is paid regularly to sb who has stopped working because of old age: pension They live on a small pension. - an old person who no longer works: (old-age) pensioner, senior citizen - a special home where old people live together: (old people's) home - a special home where old and sick people can be cared for: nursing home ※ MORE ... - not old enough to do sth; not yet adult: under age You can't go into pubs - you're under age. - to reach the age when you are legally an adult: come* of age When you come of age, you can leave home and get married without your parents' consent.
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