Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

cease AW [cease ceases ceased ceasing] BrE [siːs] NAmE [siːs] verb intransitive, transitive (formal)
to stop happening or existing; to stop sth from happening or existing
Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job.
~ to do sth You never cease to amaze me!
~ sth They voted to cease strike action immediately.
He ordered his men to cease fire (= stop shooting).
~ doing sth The company ceased trading in June.
see also cessation, see wonders will never cease at wonder n.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French cesser, from Latin cessare ‘stop’, from cedere ‘to yield’.

cease verb I, T (formal)
The company ceased trading in May.
stop • • give sth up • • abandon • • drop • |informal leave off • • knock off (sth) • |especially AmE, informal quit • |formal discontinue
Opp: start, Opp: continue
cease/stop/give up/leave off/quit doing sth
cease/stop/give up/abandon/drop/leave off/quit what you are doing
cease/stop/give up/abandon/leave off/knock off/quit work

Example Bank:
Building ceased with the outbreak of war.
My job had effectively ceased to exist.
Prayer was made without ceasing.
The bird's song ceased abruptly.
The company ceased trading.
The conversation had long ceased to interest me.
The factory has now ceased production of the toys.
The factory will cease operations this autumn.
The flow slowed, then ceased altogether.
The noise faded, then ceased altogether.
These violations of the code must cease forthwith.
He ordered his men to cease fire.

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