1 moving and not moving 2 causing sth to move 3 directions of movement 4 ways of moving ways of moving JUMP, RUN, SWIM, TURN, WALK coming and going COME/GO travel TRAVEL, DRIVE, FLY 2 the movement of water and other liquids WATER, LIQUID
1 moving and not moving ※ moving - to change position: move; noun (C/U): movement Don't move - there's a bee on your arm. ◎ I think I saw something move behind the trees. ◎ The dancer's movements were smooth and beautifully controlled. ◎ During the night there was very little movement on the streets. - a change of place or position: move The children stood quietly, watching every move the gorilla made. - the way that sth moves, or the fact that it is moving: motion (noun U) The motion of the car sent the baby to sleep. ※ not moving - not moving: motionless, still, (used about cars, etc) stationary to lie motionless ◎ Stand still! ◎ a stationary vehicle ※ able to move - something, especially a structure or part of a structure, that can be moved is movable a movable screen - designed so that it can be moved or carried easily: mobile, portable a mobile phone ◎ a mobile home ◎ a portable television - when sth is not firmly fixed and therefore is able to move, it is loose a loose tooth ◎ The ropes on the lorry weren't tied properly and they came loose on the motorway. ※ not likely to move or able to move - a thing which is well fixed and not likely to move is secure, stable Those new shelves don't look very secure to me. ◎ The ladder was not stable and the builder fell off. - not moving or shaking: steady You need a steady hand to take good photographs. - to make sth steady: steady sth He knocked the vase and it started to fall over, but he managed to steady it just in time. - not moving or not able to move: immobile: to make it impossible for sth to move: immobilize sth For several seconds the lioness stood immobile, sniffing the air. ◎ The thieves immobilized the car by stealing its wheels. - to stop suddenly and not be able to move: freeze* She heard steps coming up the stairs and froze. - unable to move your body or part of it because of an accident or illness: paralysed (AmE paralyzed); noun (U): paralysis She broke her back in the crash and became paralysed from the waist down. - if sth becomes fixed in a particular position so that it cannot be moved, it sticks*, gets* stuck, jams, gets* jammed This door keeps sticking and I have to use all my strength to open it. ◎ The car got stuck in the mud. ◎ The key turned halfway and then it jammed. - (used mainly about clothes) to get stuck in sth: catch* My coat caught in the car door. - unable to move because you are in a difficult or dangerous situation: trapped The climbers were trapped at the top of the mountain after the fog came down.
2 causing sth to move - to change the position of sth: move sth, shift sth Can you help me to move this table? ◎ I spent the afternoon shifting the furniture in my bedroom around. - to start sth moving: put*/set* sth in motion Jill pressed the button to set the machine in motion. - to move sb/sth to a particular position: put* sb/sth somewhere, place sth somewhere Could you put the boxes over there, please. - to hold sb/sth in your hands, in your arms or on your back while you are moving from one place to another: carry sb/sth - to move or try to move sb/sth towards you: pull sb/sth - to move or try to move sb/sth away from you: push sb/sth - to make sth move with a quick, sudden movement: flick sth; noun: flick He flicked some ash off the end of his cigarette. ◎ The frog caught the fly with a flick of the tongue. ※ more on putting, carrying, pulling and pushing PUT, BRING/TAKE/CARRY, PULL/PUSH
3 directions of movement - nearer to sb/sth: to, towards ※¦ You move first to the left, then to the right. ◎ Okay, now walk towards me. - away, showing the place where sth starts or started: from ※¦ When do the children come home from school? ◎ A strange noise came from the next room. - to a different place or in a different direction: away (from ※¦) Did you ever run away from home when you were a child? ◎ Go away! - from one place to another and then back again: back and forth, to and fro Every week I go back and forth between Cardiff and London. ◎ I spend all my time going to and fro between work and home. - to a position in or inside sth: into ※¦, in (※¦) Everyone cheered when she walked into the room. ◎ Do you want a lift? Get in! - away from, or no longer in, a particular place: out (of ※¦) She refused to come out of her bedroom. ◎ I'll put the cat out. - from one end or side of sth to another: through (※¦) I usually go through the park on my way home. ◎ The train's going through a tunnel. - from one end of sth to or towards the other end: along (※¦) I love walking along the river in the early morning. - from one side of sth to another: across (※¦), over (※¦) We had to find a way of getting across the river. ◎ He climbed over the wall and ran away. - from the top towards the bottom of sth: down (※¦) The boy came running down the hill. ◎ She stood at the bedroom window, looking down into the garden. - from the bottom towards the top of sth: up (※¦) I walked up the stairs behind him. ◎ There's a good view from here. Why don't you climb up too? - in front or to the side of sb/sth: by (※¦), past (※¦) He drove straight by without stopping! ◎ They walked past the post office and went into the baker's. - in a circle: round/around (※¦) Can you run round the block without stopping? - to move further in a particular direction in order to make space for sb/sth else: move across/along/down/over/up Could you move up please? We're all a bit squashed here. - to move forward: (formal) advance, (formal) progress; noun (U): progress The demonstrators began to advance towards the line of police. ◎ The heavy traffic meant we made very little progress. - to move away from sth: (formal) retreat; noun: retreat The burglar started to enter the house, but he retreated immediately when he heard a dog barking. - to move back or away from sb/sth: draw* back/away (from ※¦), back away (from ※¦) The crowd drew back to let the police through.
4 ways of moving ※ quickly or easily - to move somewhere quickly: speed*, fly*, rush We sped round the corner. ◎ When I saw the time, I flew downstairs and jumped in a taxi. ◎ After work I rushed home to pick up my sports gear. - to move very quickly and with a loud noise (usually used about a car, motor bike, plane, etc): zoom The plane zoomed low overhead. - to move suddenly and quickly in a certain direction: dart, shoot* She darted into the office. ◎ Somebody shot past me. I couldn't see who it was. ◎ The pain shot down her arm. - to move over a smooth surface: slide*; to make sth move in this way: slide* sth She came sliding across the ice. ◎ The barman slid the bottle along the bar. ◎ a sliding door - to move smoothly on wheels, or as if on wheels: roll The car began to roll backwards down the hill. - to move smoothly without noise or effort: glide The skaters glided across the ice on the pond. - able to move in a smooth and attractive way: graceful (adverb gracefully); noun (U): grace a graceful dancer ◎ to walk gracefully - able to move quickly and easily: agile; noun (U): agility as agile as a cat ※ slowly or with difficulty - to move forward very slowly: crawl, creep* The traffic was crawling along the road. ◎ We crept along at five miles an hour. - to move forward, with difficulty, by pushing: push Frank pushed his way through the crowd to get to the front. ◎ to push past sb - to change direction suddenly, especially in a car: swerve He swerved to avoid a lorry and ended up in a field. - (used about a vehicle) to be out of control and move sideways across the road: skid; noun: skid The car skidded on a patch of ice. - to move suddenly in a particular direction, especially when out of control: lurch The taxi driver let out the clutch and the car lurched forward. - to move in an uneven way, for example when going over rough ground: bump We bumped along the track to the cottage. - to move forward with a sudden pull, push or other movement: jerk, jolt; adjective: jerky (adverb jerkily) The lorry jolted down the bumpy road. ◎ jerky movements - to make sb/sth move suddenly: jolt sb/sth; noun: jolt The crash jolted all the passengers forward. ◎ The train stopped with a jolt. ※ up and down - to move upwards: go* up, rise* (up) We watched the balloon rise up into the clouds. - to move downwards: go* down, (formal) descend The sun went down. ◎ Our plane descended through the clouds. - to move downwards through water: sink* The ship hit an iceberg and sank. - to move up and down continuously (like a ball): bounce; to make sth move in this way: bounce sth The ball bounced twice and then he kicked it. ◎ I love bouncing on the trampoline. - to move in a lively way, usually up and down: dance Emma was dancing up and down with excitement. ※ from side to side or backwards and forwards - (used about aeroplanes and ships) to move up and down or from side to side: pitch The ship pitched and rolled in the rough sea. - to move gently up and down or from side to side: wave; to make sth move in this way: wave sth The long grass waved in the breeze. ◎ The children waved their flags and cheered. - to move backwards and forwards or from side to side: rock; to make sb/sth move in this way: rock sth She rocked her baby to sleep in its cradle. - to move continuously and very quickly from side to side: vibrate The sound is produced when the strings of the instrument vibrate. - to move from side to side or up and down with short, quick movements: shake*; to make sb/sth move in this way: shake* sb/sth The baby rabbits were shaking with fear. ◎ Sheila shook her mother to wake her up. ◎ Shake the bottle before drinking. - a slight shaking or trembling movement: tremor - to move about with short, quick movements, especially from side to side: wriggle; to move a part of your body in this way: wriggle sth; a wriggling movement: wriggle Shaun wriggled out of his sleeping bag. ◎ She wriggled her toes. - to move from side to side in an unsteady way: wobble; adjective: wobbly Put something under the table leg. It's wobbling. ◎ wobbly jelly - to move backwards and forwards or from side to side, while hanging from sth: swing The monkey was swinging from branch to branch. - to move or swing slowly from side to side: sway, roll The dancers were swaying in time to the music. ◎ The ship was rolling in the storm. ※ round and round - to move round in a circle, especially in the air: circle (sb/sth) The birds were circling overhead. ◎ We circled the town centre three times before we found a place to park. - (used about liquids, the air, etc) to move round and round continuously: circulate Blood circulates round the body. ◎ Leave a gap between the heater and the wall to allow the air to circulate freely. - to move round very quickly: whirl; to make sth move in this way: whirl sth The people whirled round and round on the merry-go-round. - to move round and round: swirl; to make sth move in this way: swirl sth Her long skirt swirled around her ankles as she danced. - to move by turning over and over: roll; to make sth move in this way: roll sth He dropped the ball and it rolled into the road. ◎ They were trying to roll the log up the path. ※ nervously - to move about or keep moving sth in a restless way: fidget (about) (with sth) Stop fidgeting and sit still. - to shake because you are cold, frightened, etc: tremble, shiver He was trembling with fear. ◎ Her hand was trembling as she picked up the pen to sign. ◎ You're shivering. Shall I shut the window? ※ caused by wind or water - when the wind moves, it blows*; when it causes sth to move, it blows* sth The wind was blowing gently through the trees. ◎ The yacht was blown far out to sea. - to move up and down or from side to side quickly and lightly: flutter; to make sth do this: flutter sth A leaf fluttered to the ground. ◎ The bird fluttered its wings and tried to fly. - to be moved or carried along by wind or water: drift The boat drifted out to sea.