Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
hiding information, your feelings, etc SECRET see also FIND, LOOK FOR - to put sth in a place where nobody else can find or see it: hide* sth What are you hiding behind your back? ◎ I can't remember where I hid my keys! - to put sth into the ground and cover it up with earth so that nobody can see or find it: bury sth The dog buried a bone in the garden. - a place which is suitable for hiding sth or yourself: hiding place - to put sth on or in front of sth in order to hide it: cover sth (up/over) (with sth) He covered the child over with a blanket. ◎ to cover yourself up with a towel - something that you wear to cover your face or part of your face: mask; to hide your face with a mask: mask sth a masked gunman - clothes, false hair, etc that you wear so that nobody recognizes you: disguise (noun C/U); to change the appearance, sound, etc of sb/sth so that people cannot recognize them/it: disguise sb/sth (as sb/sth) to wear a disguise ◎ to be in disguise ◎ I tried to disguise my voice. ◎ She was disguised as a policewoman. - to allow sth to be seen that was previously hidden: reveal sth (to sb) She opened the curtains to reveal a beautifully sunny day. ※ hiding yourself - to put yourself in a place where you think people will not find you: hide* Quick! Hide under the bed! - to be in a place or go to a place where you think you will not be found for a long period of time: be in hiding, go* into hiding Some of those who refused to fight went into hiding in the forests. - to wait where you cannot be seen by sb who you intend to attack: lie* in wait (for sb) - a surprise attack from a hidden position: ambush; to carry out an ambush on sb/sth: ambush sb/sth - to wait where you cannot be seen, especially when you are intending to do sth bad: lurk I thought I saw somebody lurking in the doorway. - to go somewhere very quietly, so that no one will see or hear you: sneak We managed to sneak into the theatre unseen. ※ to stop hiding yourself - to stop hiding: come* out (of/from a place), come* out of hiding 'Here I am,' she said, and came out from behind a tree. ◎ When the fighting was over, the villagers came out of hiding. ※ MORE ... - a way of disguising soldiers or their equipment so that they are difficult to see: camouflage (noun U); verb: camouflage sb/sth The soldiers camouflaged their truck with earth and leaves. - to move sb/sth from one place to another in secret: smuggle sb/sth (into/out of a place) to smuggle drugs into a country
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