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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

hat·red [hatred hatreds] BrE [ˈheɪtrɪd] NAmE [ˈheɪtrɪd] noun uncountable, countable
a very strong feeling of dislike for sb/sth
He looked at me with intense hatred.
There was fear and hatred in his voice.
~ (for/of sb/sth) She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.
a profound hatred of war
~ (towards sb) feelings of hatred towards the bombers
racial hatred (= between people from different races)
The debate simply revived old hatreds.

Word Origin:
Middle English: from ↑hate + -red (from Old English rǣden ‘condition’).

hatred noun U, C
She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker.
hate • • dislike • • aversion • |formal loathing
Opp: love
hatred/hate/dislike/loathing for/of sb/sth
deep hatred/dislike/aversion/loathing
be filled with hatred/hate/loathing
Hatred or hate? Hatred is more frequent, slightly more formal and used especially in writing. Both hatred and hate can refer to the idea of strong dislike, but hatred is more often used to describe a very strong feeling of dislike for a particular person or thing:
•a look of pure hatred/hate
• His deep hatred of his brother.
 ✗ His deep hate of his brother.

Which Word?:
hate / hatred
These two words have a similar meaning. Hatred is more often used to describe a very strong feeling of dislike for a particular person or thing: Her deep hatred of her sister was obvious. a cat’s hatred of water. Hate is more often used when you are talking about this feeling in a general way: a look of pure hate people filled with hate.

Example Bank:
Hatred flared up inside her.
He has a deep hatred of the police.
He is accused of stirring up racial hatred.
I felt no hatred for him.
Ignorance can breed hatred.
She shot him a look of pure hatred.
She stared at it in hatred.
She was full of hatred and bitterness.
They were blamed for inciting hatred against religious minorities.
his hatred of women
inciting religious hatred against the Catholic minority
the intense hatred between the two communities
their hatred towards the oppressors

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