gravel ![](images/dict/g/gravel.gif)
rock fragments and pebbles (Freq. 3) • Syn: crushed rock • Derivationally related forms: gravelly • Hypernyms: rock, stone • Hyponyms: ballast, bank gravel, pit-run gravel, pit run, shingle
1. be a mystery or bewildering to - This beats me! - Got me--I don't know the answer! - a vexing problem - This question really stuck me • Syn: perplex, vex, stick, get, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, amaze, dumbfound • See Also: puzzle over (for: puzzle), puzzle out (for: puzzle) • Derivationally related forms: stupefaction (for: stupefy), bewilderment (for: bewilder), poser (for: pose), bafflement (for: baffle), mystification (for: mystify), mystifier (for: mystify), mystery (for: mystify), puzzle (for: puzzle), puzzlement (for: puzzle), puzzler (for: puzzle) • Hypernyms: confuse, throw, fox, befuddle, fuddle, bedevil, confound, discombobulate • Hyponyms: stump, mix up, riddle, elude, escape • Verb Frames: - Something ----s somebody 2. cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations - Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me - It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves • Syn: annoy, rag, get to, bother, get at, get at, rile, nark, nettle, vex, chafe, devil • Derivationally related forms: devilment (for: devil), deviltry (for: devil), devilry (for: devil), vexation (for: vex), vexer (for: vex), irritation (for: irritate), irritant (for: irritate), botheration (for: bother), bother (for: bother), annoyer (for: annoy), annoyance (for: annoy) • Hypernyms: displease • Hyponyms: get, get under one's skin, eat into, fret, rankle, grate, peeve, ruffle, harass, hassle, harry, chivy, chivvy, chevy, chevvy, beset, plague, molest, provoke, antagonize, antagonise • Verb Group: chafe • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody - The performance is likely to gravel Sue 3. cover with gravel - We gravelled the driveway • Hypernyms: cover • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something