1. the act of beginning something new (Freq. 3) - they looked forward to the debut of their new product line • Syn: debut, first appearance, launching, unveiling, entry • Derivationally related forms: debut (for: debut) • Hypernyms: beginning, start, commencement • Hyponyms: induction, product introduction, ushering in, naturalization, naturalisation 2. the first section of a communication (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: section, subdivision • Hyponyms: exordium, opening, foreword, preface, prolusion, preamble, prolegomenon, prologue • Part Holonyms: narration, recital, yarn, address, speech 3. formally making a person known to another or to the public (Freq. 1) • Syn: presentation, intro • Derivationally related forms: introduce, present (for: presentation) • Hypernyms: informing, making known • Hyponyms: debut, reintroduction 4. a basic or elementary instructional text (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: textbook, text, text edition, schoolbook, school text 5. a new proposal - they resisted the introduction of impractical alternatives • Hypernyms: proposal 6. the act of putting one thing into another • Syn: insertion, intromission • Derivationally related forms: intromit (for: intromission), introduce, insert (for: insertion) • Hypernyms: movement • Hyponyms: cannulation, canulation, cannulization, cannulisation, canulization, canulisation, intubation, instillation, instillment, instilment, enclosure, enclosure, envelopment, inclosure, injection, transfusion, blood transfusion, perfusion 7. the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new - she looked forward to her initiation as an adult - the foundation of a new scientific society • Syn: initiation, founding, foundation, institution, origination, creation, innovation, instauration • Derivationally related forms: innovational (for: innovation), innovate (for: innovation), create (for: creation), originate (for: origination), institute (for: institution), institutionalise (for: institution), found (for: foundation), found (for: founding), initiate (for: initiation) • Hypernyms: beginning, start, commencement • Hyponyms: authorship, paternity